Pack a nice punch!
Seir | USA | 12/13/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Master Lee presents "Total Self Defense technique for Women". Right away, you will want to join into this program. Master Lee's calm voice and great expertise is evident as he narrates each move while he works alongside his partner, Ysenia to illustrate the technique. This program is compiled especially for women and does not make unrealistic demands. Master Lee teaches that in any situation awareness is the key to self defense; avoid using force which can become risky, escape if possible without fighting, and of course keeping in shape is also vital whether the intention is to escape or to deliver a move in self defense.
In this program the defense maneuvers are categorized so that they may be learned easily and with much repetition, each move will target the body part with its corresponding defense pattern.
It is categorized as follows:
Prime groups of attacks eyes, groin knees, takes the target down right away
Semi prime- nose neck stomach risky because the attacker can tolerate the pain
Regular targets- Chin ribcage feet riskier also because the pain is tolerable
Learning strikes
Striking technique -using punches
Using fingertips to target the eyes
Palm hand back fist and elbow
How to properly make a fist to execute a good punch.
Using the strong knuckles of the hand so that the weaker knuckles are not broken
More effective is the palm hand which delivers a stronger blow (as in martial arts)
Learning to use the body and shifting the weight to give strength to the strikes, while rotate the hips and extending the arms, also coordinating the different strikes to designated body parts
For example:
Executing Kicks
front kick( barefoot) using the ball of the foot. or with shoes,
roundhouse kick using a pivot to rotate and the top of the foot
side kick, using the outer aspect of the foot as a blade for striking
Eventually there is a combination of moves; also includes escapes, twists and throws.
Master Lee presents a short psychological segment on handling a situation during attack.
The program comes to conclusion with an intense body strengthening routine, in three different sets which become more intense and rigorous, so if you are not in shape, the lunges, squats and crunches will be very challenging. Proper knee placement in hip rotations and lunges is assumed.
With continuous drills and repetition, this detailed technique will prove helpful in escaping or defending yourself from an attack. It is up to you how much you want to invest in your personal safety. Expect the unexpected and be prepared with this great, challenging, and valuable life saving program.
Get started in protecting yourself!
Shara of Desert Dance | KS | 11/05/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Total Self Defense technique for women
This is an excellent video to introduce you to self defense. The techniques are presented in a manner that is easy to understand and follow. The techniques are followed by a workout that can be modified to be easier or more difficult. With practice, I hope to do the workout without modification! Thank you Master Lee! I particularly like that dipping push up move that is in the workout!
Master Lee will show you the proper way to punch, strike and kick. He also stresses some important "rules of engagement" to help you understand how to be safer.
I will be recommending this video to my family, friends and associates.
How to Escape, How to Fight
Alejandra Vernon | Long Beach, California | 03/19/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
This is a superbly detailed instruction DVD for self defense techniques one should learn, even if hopefully you will never have to use them. In fact, if you know these techniques, you might exude the confidence and strength that would deter any attacks, and keep you safer.
Master Lee says that awareness is the best self defense. Always know what is going on around you. If someone does attack you, Lee shows you the best ways of getting away from someone's grip. If that fails, you have his great teaching on kicking, punching, and striking, and all the target places that do the most damage to the assailant, and not to you (like punching with your fist can hurt your own hand).
There is also a excellent workout section that includes strength and stretching exercises, and technique drills. Master Lee is Captain and Trainer of the Korean Tigers, and is tops in his field of self defense techniques. In "Total Self Defense Technique for Women" Lee is ably assisted by Yesenia Adame. They make an attractive, dynamic pair, and make learning the basics of self defense easy. Lee also advises to keep in good physical shape. If we follow his advice, and practice these workouts, we'll be ready for whatever comes our way. Look out world, don't mess with us...we've learned our lessons from Master Lee!"