Currently Unavailable DVDs (55)2011 - High and Low The Criterion Collection (Blu-ray) 2010 - Seven Samurai (The Criterion Collection) 2010 - Yojimbo Sanjuro (The Criterion Collection) 2010 - Yojimbo (The Criterion Collection) 2009 - AK 100 25 Films of Akira Kurosawa (The Criterion Collection) 2009 - Essential Art House 3 (6pc) 2008 - Essential Art House Vol 1 2008 - Rashomon 2008 - Drunken Angel 2008 - Sword of Doom 1966 2007 - Shinsengumi Assassins of Honor 2007 - Yojimbo Sanjuro - Two Films By Akira Kurosawa - Criterion Collection 2006 - Akira Kurosawa's The Quiet Duel 2006 - Seven Samurai - 3 Disc Remastered Edition (Criterion Collection Spine # 2) 2006 - Japan's Longest Day 2006 - Toshiro Mifune The Ultimate Collection 2006 - Grand Prix (Two-Disc Special Edition) 2005 - Samurai Rebellion - Criterion Collection 2005 - Red Lion 2005 - Swords of Vengeance - Fall of Ako Castle (Ako-Jo Danzetu) 2005 - Samurai Banners 2005 - Incident at Blood Pass 2005 - Samurai Assassin 2004 - The Criterion Collection Gift Set 2004 ( Exclusive) 2004 - The Lower Depths / The Lower Depths - Criterion Collection (Kurosawa 1957) 2004 - Stray Dog - Criterion Collection 2004 - Criterion Crime Wave 6-Pack - Amazoncom exclusive (High & Low/Tokyo Drifter/The Honeymoon Killers/Branded to Kill/Alphaville/Man Bites Dog) 2003 - The Bad Sleep Well 2003 - James Clavell's Shogun 2003 - Zatoichi 20 - Zatoichi Meets Yojimbo 2003 - Scandal 2003 - Throne of Blood - Criterion Collection 2002 - The Bushido Blade 2002 - Akira Kurosawa - 4 Samurai Classics - Criterion Collection (Seven Samurai / The Hidden Fortress / Yojimbo / Sanjuro) 2002 - Red Beard - Criterion Collection 2002 - Rashomon - Criterion Collection 2001 - The Hidden Fortress - Criterion Collection 1999 - Hell in the Pacific (Ws) 1999 - Yojimbo (Criterion Collection Spine #52) 1999 - Sanjuro - Criterion Collection 1998 - High and Low - Criterion Collection 1998 - Samurai I - Musashi Miyamoto - Criterion Collection 1998 - Samurai II - Duel at Ichijoji temple - Criterion Collection 1998 - Samurai III - Duel at Ganryu Island - Criterion Collection 1997 - Red Sun