Imagine Dexter with military training
Jonathanseas | Arlington, VA | 10/09/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This film explores the consequences of sending young men overseas, training them as "special interrogators" and then re-introducing them to polite society and the girl next door. It twists and turns in unexpected ways.
The Torturer was particularly scary because I realized while watching that this could really happen, and maybe it already has.
Clare Pawling | Denver, Colorado | 10/26/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I approached "The Torturer" movie with a bit of genuine negative bias due to my assumption of seeing "the usual ho-hum, so what". Prior to my seeing the movie, I knew only what the movie's trailer revealed; I had heard through the grapevine that the makers kept the real story -- and I still hear that they are keeping the real story -- well under wraps. I bought my copy of the DVD, here on Amazon, as soon as it was released!
Based on my viewings of the movie trailer, I knew that I could expect, in the movie itself, some theme of torture or torturing. But, wow, what a thrill ride! The story at first smoothly slid down my throat, like stealth ice cream, then escalated as I imagine a live raw oyster would in the tube of a Water World ride, screaming in the lemon juice, or like an insane Alice dropping down the rabbit hole, through an illusionary maze of dark shadows that had me thoroughly enthralled in nervous, even scared, anticipation, all the way to, and through, the very last scene. I couldn't make this up.
I am going to see this "keeper" again, very soon, and I think that it will stand up to repeated viewings. By the way: fine acting, and believable locations. While this movie is not the caliber of "The English Patient" or "The Matrix" or "Gone with the Wind", I still am giving it five stars."
Want to see a scary realistic film?
J. Pawling | Boulder, CO | 09/29/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The Torturer is about a military interrogator Rick (Andrew Walker) who has some serious problems with post-traumatic stress disorder. He sees a psychotherapist (Nichelle Nichols) in an attempt to patch up his psyche. This film comes across as a psychothriller, with some unexpected plot twists, that kept my attention on the screen. One thing I appreciated about the film was the "film noir" feel of many of the scenes. Both Walker and Nichols give stunning performances, and Mahsa Masoudi is a rising star to watch for. I'll watch this film again."
Sensationalist Garbage Awfully Acted
The Tao of Netflix | Washington, DC | 06/03/2010
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This movie is garbage. Even aside from the plot, the acting is terrible. There are 3 primary characters - a military interrogator, a psychologist-like person, and a detainee. The interrogator is simply ridiculous; he's a pathetically over-amped solider type who supposedly falls in love with his detainee? Sure. The psychologist is equally terrible. Her acting is painful to watch and equally as amateurish as the interrogator.
However bad the acting, the story is an abysmal failure. While pretending to be a story about an interrogator's post-torture grief/stress, its much more a poorly disguised social commentary on the director's views of America's evilness, particularly in the Iraqi war. I am by no means implying that I either agree or disagree with our handling of the war, however, I do not need a movie to weakly re-trace territory already widely treated in the proper venues/forms. I am also not denying the role of cinema in advocating social positions, but at least be honest about it. This movie advertises itself as a thriller/horror following an interrogator's mental stress, but its really not. Its about moralizing over Bush and his waterboarding decisions. I feel misled; while expecting a good horror/thriller, I instead got lectured about how terrible we are as a country."