Robertson is Best Suited to "Bad Girl" Roles Like This One
Only-A-Child | 01/18/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"You would be hard pressed to identify this as a made-for-television movie. The cinematography and production design are superior to most theatrical features (angular and overhead camera shots, tight shots on Kathleen Robertson, period costuming and good sets). It really transports the viewer back to 1940's Ontario. They paid attention to the details and put serious money into creating a stylish stage on which Robertson turns in a truly fine performance.
She plays a young woman from a horribly abusive family; and what with the flashbacks she convincingly plays herself from about age 13 to age 26 (in fact the flashback to her at age 13 is the most convincing scene in the film). Under a cynical veneer is someone so scarred that she cannot really defend herself against two murder charges, but with the cool elliptical storytelling technique it is some time before the viewer understands the whole dynamic. The film is really about peeling back her protective layers. Instead of a traditional narrative about a character undergoing changes, what changes here is not the character but the viewer's perception of the character.
Robertson was born for this role. I have generally liked her in other stuff but have felt a bit uneasy-when she smiles it seems like she is conning me. This works against her in "good girl" roles ("Maniac Mansion" and "Splendor") but could actually work for her in "bad girl" roles. And it certainly does here where her character is as ambiguous as any you are likely to find.
Then again, what do I know? I'm only a child."
I like the story
not to much of a gorere | houston, tx | 03/01/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Although a lot of the details of this true crime story is lacking, there is much to the character of Evelyn, obviously mistreated by her parents and brainwashed, she was a playthign for the rich to please her parents who then pinned a murder on her. It's a sad piece of history and the costume designs are wonderful on the Canadian actress who played Evelyn. I've watchedit everytime it's come one, because I think the characters are so interesting, especially if you lie true crime, also see Heavenly Creatures."
Haunting Tale has touch of Film Noir
Only-A-Child | 08/20/2003
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Set in 1940s Hamilton Ontario, I thought this flick did a great job of telling the tragic story of intruige surrounding the Evelyn Dick murder trial. I thought the acting, especially by Fricker, was very good and particularly enjoyed the period setting, lighting, and music."