"this is the worst dvd. everything on this dvd i already knew, and it only shows adam jones out of all the members, and shows him for maybe a minute talking about his guitar, which i already knew about the info he talked about. this dvd [smells] past the max. this dvd is no good, it's the worst, it [is] most heinous, never purchase it."
Tucker (Fr. RA) | Copperopolis, Ca. | 01/14/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"!!!!!WARNING - MAYNARD WOULD EAT HIS OWN VOMIT BEFORE ENDORSING THIS MOVIE!!!!! I feel like someone has sold me a box full of rocks and called it an anchor. There must be something done about this injustice. This movie has no music, no content, and has no right to be called TOOL "ogy".
The only way any true TOOL fan can fight this travesty of Justice(Key 11), as lover's of music, art, magic, and humanity, is to NOT PURCHASE THIS MOVIE!!!!
Tucker Barclay - Copperoplis, Ca."
kmdwall | Charlotte, NC | 12/26/2004
(1 out of 5 stars)
"After viewing, I immediately got on the computer to write a review just in case someone wished to buy this mindless crap. It is so awful, I dont even know what to compare it to. It is mindblowing that someone could make something this bad off a well respected band.
I wrote a letter to Trinity Entertainment stating the following:
I recently purchased Toology put out my Trinity Entertainment. This was the worst video I have seen in my life and I was wondering about you repurchasing it. The video was nothing but repeated images for 40 minutes with audio opinions of fans only stating that Tool was "an awesome band." I cannot believe that Trinity Entertainment would even allow something like this to be released. The creators are simply making money off Tool's name and stealing consumers money by giving them complete trash. Nowhere on the cover is there a notice that none of Tool's original music or footage would be shown. I am aware that this is unauthorized, but the cover did not make a clear indication that the viewer would have to be exposed to mindless, worthless crap.
I'm very sorry you chose to have this video released under Trinity Entertainment's name,[...]"
intimidatingcrustaceans | New Mexico, USA | 09/10/2003
(1 out of 5 stars)
"TOOLOGY is nothing more than a shameless attempt to capitalize on fan sentiment. The creator knew that TOOL fans would love to get their hands on footage of the band they love, and unfortunately so many bought into it, (I'm no exception to the case). The DVD is disgraceful, with ridiculous cut scenes in which the author tries (and fails) to imitate some of Adam Jones' artwork, a stupid voiceover done by some guy who sounds like he belongs at a Nascar event, and horrible boring music playing throughout. Save your money, and don't support self-interested, bland people."
Uh......what the
intimidatingcrustaceans | 08/16/2002
(1 out of 5 stars)
"uhm...some kid asked his friends what they thought of tool and taped it and that's about all this dvd has to offer. it really has nothing to do with tool. no music, concert footage, maybe a five minute interview with the guitarist. i think they taped guitars in sam ash and a billboard that said a perfect circle. i wish they were able to get in the concert. anyone with a camcorder could have done this, the author should have interviewed his mom. whoever is making money off of this is a genius, i can't believe people are allowed to make money this way. save your money, buy anything else. buy the olson twins, there is a better chance of tool being in that dvd."