Currently Available DVDs (6) | Currently Unavailable DVDs (25)2009 - The Powerpuff Girls The Complete Series - 10th Anniversary Collection 2008 - Star Wars The Clone Wars (2 Disc Special Edition) 2008 - Ben 10 The Complete Season 3 2007 - Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends - The Complete Season 2 2007 - The Powerpuff Girls - The Complete First Season 2004 - A Nation Adrift 2004 - Scooby-Doo and the Cyber Chase (Snap Case) 2003 - Powerpuff Girls - Twas the Fight Before Christmas 2002 - Heavy Gear - The Dragon's Shadow 2002 - Heavy Gear - Battle for the Badlands 2001 - The Powerpuff Girls Meet the Beat-Alls 2001 - Powerpuff Girls Power Pack (The Mane Event/Down 'n' Dirty/Powerpuff Bluff) 2001 - The Powerpuff Girls - The Mane Event 1999 - Infinity's Child Star Wars The Clone Wars Darth Maul Returns - George Lucas Tom Kane Anthony Daniels Matthew Wood (Exclusive Director's Cut)