"Just to clarify, so that anyone considering this three-volume collection will have ALL of the relevant info in making their purchase decision: Reviewer K. Echols "kyle" is correct in stating that the included cartoons are unedited (...well, except for a few minor points and some aspect ratio issues); but what he fails to mention (and is perhaps just unaware of) is that the Tom and Jerry Hanna Barbera Spotlight Collection IS in fact censored in the sense that two of the T&J HB cartoons, "Mouse Cleaning" and "Casanova Cat," are omitted from the collection altogether. Warner Brothers issued a statement about why they chose to omit those two cartoons; that statement is posted in the reviews for Volume 3 if you'd like to read it.
Also, WB did initially ship Volumes 1 and 2 with some edited cartoons--not EVERY controversial cartoon on those two volumes was in edited version, but SOME of them. (Using the edited versions was however a mistake, not WB's intention, in those first two volumes.) To correct the problem, WB established an 800 # and gave away free replacement discs. I don't know whether the versions of those two volumes that you'd get if you bought today would have the edited or the corrected discs (although I would like to assume the latter, if WB is being responsible).
It's entirely possible that those who are less intimately acquainted with the original versions of these T&J cartoons wouldn't even be aware of the edits in Volumes 1 and 2--and many people may not be bothered by the edits anyway, which is fine. But if you think you got the edited versions and that's NOT what you want, you might see if WB is still running the free replacement program; contact details are in the "Comments" that go along with my review of Volume 3. Also, you need to be aware that the replacement program is ONLY for Volumes 1 and 2--there is NO replacement program from WB to give you the "Mouse Cleaning" and "Casanova Cat" cartoons that were omitted from Volume 3--and there never will be, if WB stays true to what they've stated. (If you're not sure whether you're looking at edited versions or not and would like to know, just Google "Tom Jerry Spotlight Collection"--you won't have any problem finding articles that detail all of the edits.)
I'm not telling anyone to avoid buying these sets. They're great for what they do have in them. But any review that represents this three-volume collection as "uncensored" and "untouched" simply isn't accurate; and I'd prefer that folks have access to ALL of the facts when they're choosing whether or not to lay out their money.
Uncensored Tom and Jerry
K. Echols | Massachusetts | 05/26/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"There has been alot of nay sayers about this Tom and Jerry, but I went ahead and baught it (season 1-3 spotlight collection) and it was utterly uncensored and digitally remastered. I cannot vouch for anyone else's products for other stores, but Amazon is selling the REAL deal, and yes, it is very, very racist. So for all of you old-time Tom and Jerry fans like myself this Tom and Jerry collection is incredible and UNTOUCHED! I would have been extremely disappointed if it was censored because it should be left up to the individual to choose what he/she watches, and people need to realize that this series came out in a very difficult time for Americans. Fortunately, myself being of a newer generation, I never even realized the racist puns and jokes until someone pointed them out to me, which shows how much Americans have progressed over the decades.
Tom and Jerry is still an smash hit for kids and adults and I, being 23 years old, simply watch it everyday and I love every minute of it. I cannot believe they are selling it for only $15 per season. If you love, like, or merely find Tom and Jerry amusing at times then I highly recommend that you buy it and since I have the unedited original from Amazon, I would assume that the safe bet for getting these seasons un-tampered with would be from Amazon, which is usually much cheaper than other sites and there is the free shipping dealt oo (gotta love that, right?)"
Masterpiece. (100 out of 100)
J. Walsh | Gurnee, IL | 09/27/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Amazing is all I can say. A true masterpiece of animation and art. The grandfather of all modern animation. It is beyond cool to have all the episodes available in one package (as a set of 6 dvd's). It's all here, uncut and unedited. Loved by generations of children and now my children too. On two of the dvd's (to introduce the character "Mammy Two Shoes") there is a dvd intro by Whoopi Goldberg as she describes how America of the 1940's and 1950's was. There is some politically incorrect humor and ethnic portrayals. In retrospect, I think a lot of it is overblown, but can see how some could be offended. However, I think Whoopi does a good job explaining it to anyone who for some reason has never seen Tom and Jerry before."
Insurance Nightmares.
Timothy Reilly | 08/10/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I saw these dvds in stores or online and thought,"Why bother buying them for they are still on the Cartoon Network?, and nothing new." But I gave it a shot and then thought, "I should have bought them sooner". So,...No regrets. Glad I did.
Tom & Jerry was the first cartoon series I began watching once I grew too old for Sesame Street in the afternoon. I caught on that the both of them are very destructive tyrants, and there is constant raucus, plus endless dentistry bills. I can't imagine two small animals with that much carte blanche? They have no perimeters. Worse than bull in china shop. Jerry is more an instigator than antagonist. Jerry is also the hero of smaller or less sophistcated animals. Protecting either a fish, a bird, a duck or another mouse probably related to; trying to stop or thwart the ever preying Tom. At moments it's more than Jerry can handle but if he can lift an anvil he always regains control. Every now and then there is a bulldog cameo who sometimes I felt sorry for when half the time only trying to protect his son and wants to be left alone. All three characters are very manipulative and know exactly how to anger each other.
The Academy Award winning episode "The Cat Concerto" was then and still is my very favorite, and have two copies of it also from the Warner Brothers Home Entertainment Academy Awards Animation Collection - 15 Winners, 26 Nominees. For a while I needed to know what that wonderful music adapted to it was? It is the Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 in C-Sharp Minor of Franz Liszt (1811-1886)Related product:The Best Of Liszt Which I also have a few recordings of influenced by that cartoon episode.
Like the rest of them are perfectly timed with The MGM Studio Orchestra, and outrageous sound effects made it Hanna-Barbera's most sensational effort. No other cat and mouse routine surpasses...Tom & Jerry.
One of the Best
Joseph L. Laws | North Carolina | 03/15/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Aside from Looney Tunes, Tom and Jerry was one of the best cartoons ever produced. They are on equal terms with Looney Tunes/Merrie Melodies. William Hanna/Joseph Barbera was probably the best cartoons, along with Fred Quimby. The backgrounds, layouts, drawings and animations were first rate. Tom and Jerry, when produced/directed by Chuck Jones carried on the tradition with a very sincere and most respectful effort, but somehow lost the spark of the earlier cartoons. Everything about Jones's production was first rate though. The worst produced/directed happened when Gene Deitch took over some of Tom and Jerry. Every aspect was some of the worst cartoons ever produced by trying to update their comic war with each other. The animation was substandard at best. Overall, the spotlight collection is a must for any Tom and Jerry fan, along with some of the Tom and Jerry Tales. Tom and Jerry and Looney Tunes continue to be above all the crowd as being the utmost BEST cartoons to be produced and very much carry weight over the poor animation of the cartoons of today."