Rondell Gunn | Lawrenceburg, Tennessee United States | 10/12/2003
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Unlike the recent DVD releases of Tom and Jerry cartoons, this one is a real let down. First of all, it IS NOT holiday oriented. Secondly, as all lovers of animated know, the quality of cartoons began to drop severely during the late sixties with spaced out framing and poor animation. This DVD is of the late sixties vintage and not very impressive. Amazing, as MGM has a vault of Tom and Jerry cartoons that could have made this a real holiday treasure. Instead, we have been given a few late vintage cartoons that have poor story, animation, and "hip" graphics that detract from the pleasure derived from the vintage cartoons that were so well made. Pass it up unless you are a severe die-hard Tom and Jerry fan."
A major ripoff. Don't buy it!!
Rondell Gunn | 10/18/2003
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This is flat-out false advertising on part of the producers of this DVD. It has NOTHING to do with Christmas or the holiday season at all, despite the cover graphics showing Christmas tree lights, holly, etc. Some idiot who obviously feels that a few cartoons which partly include skating or snow in them makes this a "Christmas" cartoon ought to be fired. Most of the cartoons on the DVD don't even have that.
I got ripped off purchasing this DVD believing what the cover represented would be the content of the material. Don't make the same mistake and avoid this DVD or video!!"
A Waste of Money
Sly Dog | Dallas, Texas United States | 11/04/2003
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I wish I coud give this DVD the rating of no stars that it richly deserves. What a waste of money! With all of the quality cartoons from the 1940's and 1950's that are available in the studio archives, I do not understand why the cynical empty suits at Warner Brothers would choose a collection from a period when the animation and story lines were at their absolute lowest point in terms of quality.The only semi-quality offering on this DVD is Mice Follies from 1954, which was duplicated on another recent DVD titled Tom and Jerry's Greatest Chases."
Bryan Wilks | Memphis, TN | 12/30/2003
(1 out of 5 stars)
"If I could give it a negative star I would. This DVD has absoulutely NOTHING to do with Christmas and is blatant false advertising. Even the Tom & Jerry classic "Night Before Chirstmas" is not included which should have been an obvious choice for a "Christmas" DVD. Obviously, this is another example of MGM ripping their customers off. I am amazed that they can get away with this stuff. Luckily I was able to return mine to Walmart and get my money back. Save yourself the time and don't even bother getting it in the first place."
Mixed Bag
D | USA | 06/21/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
"In terms of a Christmas DVD, this is completely useless. It doesn't even contain the 1941 classic "The Night Before Christmas." I can't think of any other reason why it was not included other than the cartoon containing traditional Christian Christmas carols, which is a terrible reason to withhold a cartoon from a Christmas-themed DVD. The cartoons that are included also don't have much to do with Christmas either; only two of the seven cartoons included have snow, ice, or winter themes.However, this DVD is useful for a different reason. This is the first DVD of classic Tom and Jerry cartoons that is totally uncut and in original aspect ratio. And it also contains some less popular but still classic Gene Deitch and Chuck Jones produced shorts from the 1960s. The Hanna-Barbera cartoons, of which there are two on this collection, are all being released eventually in big collector's edition sets in the future. Warner Brothers does not have any publicly-known plans to release the 1961-1967 cartoons, though, and this may be the only way to see a few of them logo-free on a completely uncut collection.This DVD is also significant because it is the first time a Gene Deitch produced cartoon (in this case, "The Tom and Jerry Cartoon Kit") has been released on home video in the USA. The Gene Deitch cartoons (made 1961-1962) are rather hard to find logo-free, unless you have easy access to Japanese laserdiscs.As a Christmas DVD, it's almost completely useless, but if you have a different interest (like seeing a Gene Deitch cartoon logo-free), this DVD isn't totally worthless. I would, however, only recommend it if you can find it at a very cheap price."