Totally GORE-RIFIC!! Tokyo is Burning with the Wild Blend of
Woopak | Where Dark Asian Knights Dwell | 12/28/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"From the producers of "Machine Girl" and "Death Trance" comes a film that is so outrageously bizarre, full of "pink" violence, blood-splattering horror effects, TRULY bizarre characters, that will definitely make some people stop the film, others will cheer, but no one can deny that the film is brilliant in a very different and original way. If you think you are ready for "TOKYO GORE POLICE" then you have another think coming. Once you see the film's opening act of dismembered full frontal nudity with lots of blood and gore, you may get the idea that you are in for something very unusual. So, Do I have your attention yet??
In a far distant future, Tokyo's police force have been privatized and they are locked in constant combat with a group of genetically enhanced killers called "Engineers". These genetically modified super-murderers can bio-infuse their open wounds with weapons, turning self-mutilation into combat form. Ruka (Eihi Shiina, Audition) is the daughter of the police chief's murdered right-hand man, is now the police corporation's top engineer hunter. With cold-blooded efficiency, she cuts through the psychotic engineers and leaves them very dead. Nothing can keep her from her duty, that is until she encounters a mysterious engineer called the "key man" and she learns the truth behind her father's death.
"Tokyo Gore Police" is the directorial debut of Yoshihiro Nishimura, the same man who is responsible for the effects and make up for "Machine Girl", the man had brainstormed with Sion Sono for "Strange Circus", and if those two films are any indication, you can imagine just how outrageous and chaotic this film can get. I am at a lost for words, this film had left me almost speechless. Nishimura definitely pulled out all the stops in his debut film, but unlike "Machine Girl" which felt almost like a humorous, gore-riddled stunt show, "Tokyo Gore Police" manages to execute everything with a straight face and what you will get is something no one would expect. The film is a thematic affair, and the film is very dark--in a very pleasant way.
Amid all the brutality, dismemberment, blood and a whole lot of GORE, the film has a commentary on the excesses of society that may lead to its collapse. The TV commercials give a hint of the film's current popular culture with the products they sell. Apparently, suicide and self-mutilation is the "in" thing amid the teens and video game consoles such as the Wii have games that allow the player to mutilate and kill within the comfort of one's own home. The film also borrows the element from "Robocop" regarding the idea of a corporation that runs a city's police force. The police force's uniform bears a resemblance to ancient samurai armor and western elements. (except for Ruka, who wears a sexy uniform--somewhat dominatrix style). The self-mutilation idea may have been lifted from Cronenberg via "Existenz" and the film's look and feel is definitely anime-inspired; the imagery may have a little bit of a comic "bookish" atmosphere.
The film definitely has a lot of things to say and it would be very easy for the viewer to shut off his brain and let the violent (if campy) imagery just wash over him. The film has its share of outrageous and oddball characters; there's a freaky bondage club, there's a snail woman (who may be a Yokai character), there`s even some hinted S & M. Then if we begin to talk about shocking images and gore, then nothing to this day may equal "Tokyo Gore Police". Blood just drops like a strong rainfall; there're boobies that spew acid and ones with teeth, one man has literally a cannon for his male genitalia, a huge deathtrap of a female genitalia, organic bullets, knives, blades, brains being cut open, penises being bitten off--you name it, this film has it. The film is remarkably INSANE.
The action scenes are quite reminiscent of "Machine Girl" but dare I say, it does succeed where the former failed. A bazooka and splattering blood are used to propel oneself that adds somewhat to its silliness and outrageousness. These are not negative comments but the film lives and stays aloft on this style. There are some uses of slow-motion in the action, and it is not so much as how hard-hitting it is, as to how bloody and gory one action scene may get. The make-up efx go from a pure "camp" to quite bizarre with the blood splattering all over the place including the camera view. (it does minimize CGI blood and uses old-fashioned prosthetics and red ink). The film's tone takes on some serial killer elements to a cautionary tale of fascistic and social paranoia with restrained aggression, with some competitive subtle quips about China and Japan.
The film's plot may not be complex, and the screenplay isn't without its flaws. Some of its elements may seem a little tiresome after awhile but it does display director Nishimura's potential as a filmmaker. Keep in mind that this is first directorial assignment, and it is no fault of his that some of the film's storytelling is unrefined and feels a little convoluted. Eihi Shiina is very fitting as the film's lead. The woman is as cold and emotionless as in "Audition". However, Shiina exhibits a particular type of sex appeal that's both frightening and alluring. Ruka's character is a woman sworn to her duty and manages to shut off almost everything in this chaotic Tokyo. Her past is told in the form of flashbacks (as with most of the film's character developments) and her one link to order and sanity is her relationship to a kindly bar owner (Ikuko Sawada).
"Tokyo Gore Police" wasn't exactly what I expected but boy, it was one fun ride. It was far more than I wanted to see or prepared myself for. The film is definitely NOT FOR EVERYONE, the film delivers its outright silliness and "mutated campiness" with a serious tone; that while it may seem funny--once you take it all in, it is a lot DARKER and bizarre than what it was at first impression. This type of film just doesn't give a smile nor will it get a thumbs up from mainstream audiences--you know why? Because of all the cut-off limbs, mutated and disemboweled body parts, the film would probably have everything torn away in PURE Bloody fashion. The only thing the film may be missing is a "rainbow", only instead of colors it would be made from blood.
Again, watch it if you dare....
Recommended Timidly but a HIGHLY Recommended rating to fans of Japanese cinema and Blood/Gore.
[4- Stars]
Note: There is a very strong hint that this is Yoshihiro Nishimura's first installment of blood and gore.
Video/audio: 1.77 ratio anamorphic widescreen. Great transfer for Tokyo Shock. Colors and blacks are radiant and strong, but some scenes have more grain than others. 5.1 Dolby Digital and 2.0 Surround Japanese and English language tracks. The English subtitles are excellent.
Arterial Spray...
ac | Indiana | 01/13/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Inevitably, this will be compared to the Machine Girl in most reviews, but that's a bit unfair to this film because despite all the gore and bizarre plot points, this film is a LOT different than that film... and it's also a lot better.
No matter what anyone says, The Machine Girl was really just an overblown gory comedy; this one, while boasting some really clever and hilarious parts (gotta love the fake television ads, including one with a killer Wii game!), is way darker and more serious and actually has a way more involving storyline, especially in the 2nd half. It is also bit slower and more character-driven; while this approach may turn off some people, it makes this film feel more real, more vibrant, more cinematic, and makes it way more rewatchable. None of it is boring in the least, of course -- in fact, this is one of the most entertaining films I've EVER seen.
Surreal and ultraviolent, and special mention has to be made to whoever did the soundtrack. A great film for any occasion. I loved it. More energy and great, original ideas than most any film I've seen come out in the past 5 years or so. Highly Recommended!"
The greatest thing since sliced head
C. Christopher Blackshere | I am the devil's reject | 02/27/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Call up your gore bros, it's time for a splatterparty!
This dynamic visual slice of insanity is drenched in way more blood than Tampax could absorb. The gore flows like wine, it's time to dine on demented violence and get inebriated on the psychotic bewilderment spewing out from the mind of Yoshihiro Nishimura.
TOKYO GORE POLICE really is just pure creative and crazy genius. Amazingly shot in just 2 weeks, this film instantly catapults itself near the top of greatest gore cinema ever imagined. It's like an addictive injection of TETSUO, ARMY OF DARKNESS, ROBOCOP, GOZU, DEAD ALIVE, and VIDEODROME. This film is waaaay better than the ultra-violent MACHINE GIRL.
It's a dizzying journey of maniacal mayhem. The gorgeous Eihi Shiina(AUDITION) is the cop hunting the "engineers", a group of criminals that can mutate their severed limbs into warped weapons of destruction. The story immediately spirals into a vortex of awesomely wretched sick battles that probably feels like an acid trip. No ill side effects, it just doesn't get any crazier than this!
Your DVD collection sucks without this flick. BUY THIS NOW!
Oh wow
ribcage | Lantana, Florida United States | 06/11/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"You know, I have a bit of an idea what this film was about, but my clear head to that sort of thing has been drowned repeatedly in the gallons upon gallons of blood that was flashed in front of my face in some of the most startling groteseque imagery I've ever seen.
TOKYO GORE POLICE is a masterpiece in its distortion of the human body, and an epic in its destruction of that body. It put whole new vulgar thoughts in my head, and I'm just left in awe of that.
On top of that, it's unnervingly relentless in its presentation. If you go longer than a minute without seeing something bizarre and revolting, it's because you've closed your eyes.
Really, it's just gross. All the way through. And in fantastic new ways.
If you like gore and insanity you've absolutely got to see this. If you like story -- well, TOKYO GORE POLICE has one. And um. It's about people mutilating themselves. There's more to it than that, I'm sure, and the fuzzy image I have in my head doesn't make it out to be utter garbage, but I was too giddy with childish delight at the violence to notice.
If you're not into gorefests you probably should skip anything with GORE right there in the title to begin with, but TOKYO GORE POLICE is an especially large SKIP for you."