Even In The 60`s, Tinto Brass Had Brass Balls...
4-Legged Defender | ATL. GA. | 03/22/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This box set is a collection of Tinto Brass` three most recent releases from Cult Epics, and features his earliest works. 'DEADLY SWEET' (1967), AKA 'Heart In His Mouth', billed as "a cinema fumetti pop art giallo thriller", stars 17 year-old Ewa Aulin ('Candy', 'Legend Of Blood Castle') and features 60`s psychedelic pop art visuals by renowned artist Guido Crepax, Europe's erotic answer to Roy Lichtenstein by way of Aubrey Beardsley. It's a story-light romp through a genre-bending murder mystery/crime drama collision with a swinging London underground as backdrop. Featuring split-screens, triple-screens, comic art storyboards, it`s a lot of fun as a period piece, and not to be taken too seriously..
'THE HOWL' (1969), AKA 'L`urlo', starring Tina Aumont, is an arresting surrealistic cult classic that incorporates psychedelics, poetry, anarchy, absurdism, sexuality and a high level of anti-war sentiment into what amounts to 'Alice In Wonderland' on acid. It revolves around a bride who leaves her wedding in mid-ceremony with a stranger and together they set off on a trippy, wacky and bizarre journey. Welcome to the sexual/political revolution as Tinto Brass imagined it. Brass turned down the offer to direct 'A Clockwork Orange' to film this flick instead, though I'm thinking this wasn't a good decision on his part.
Lastly is 'ATTRACTION' (1969), AKA 'NEROSUBIANCO', AKA 'The Artful Penetration Of Barbara', produced by Radley Metzger, so we've upped the nudity quotient as a result. But it is unquestionably the best film of the three. Taboo-smashing for its time, it involves a married woman (Anita Sanders) whose journey through the (again) psychedelic British youth scene while being sexually persued by an attractive African-American male opens up a world of carnal offerings, tripped-out images, loads of nudity and dazzling 60`s fashions and iconography. If you like 60`s psych, pop-art visuals, near-plot less storylines and gratuitous flesh, grab yours now.