Vincent is a businessman on the move. Seemingly at the top of his game, Vincent speeds between meetings and conferences ... using his cell phone to share the smallest detail of his professional life with his admiring wife,... more » Muriel. What she doesn't know is that Vincent is leading a double life. He was fired from his job and has constructed an elaborate fantasy of employment that has become his full-time occupation. His fictional new job provides "investment opportunities" for his old friends and even his parents. But the web of lies threatens to choke him when the investors start asking about their money. Vincent must now decide which of his lives is most important.« less
"When Vincent--a tall, quiet, morose middle-aged man--is fired from his job, he finds himself unexpectedly cut loose from society and set adrift from life as he knows it. Instead of looking for a job, he casually cons some family and friends out of substantial chunks of money in order to support his wife and three children while he spends week after week driving through the European countryside in winter. A subdued but inescapable tension builds for the audience as we continually fail to understand what motivates Vincent to risk so much, and this tension becomes only more profound when we realize that Vincent himself does not understand his actions. "Time Out" is a hypnotically sad story told at a measured, melancholy pace with a haunting musical score that circumscribes Vincent's strange, incomprehensible mystery."
Man's Search for Happiness...
Kim Anehall | Chicago, IL USA | 04/21/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Vincent is on a route where he is out driving trying to find something, while hiding that he has been laid off from his family. The anxiety of displaying failure to his family and parents seems to be overwhelming for Vincent and he begins to pretend that he has quit his job for a better job in Switzerland. Through his idea of lying about his newly acquired job, he is lead astray from reality, and he must cover his lies by providing the necessary means for his family. He does so by scamming his acquaintances and friends for large amounts of money. In return, he offers a large profit through his pretend job, however, this is overheard by a man in a hotel lobby. This man interferes with Vincent's plan, but in return he finds a new profitable business through this stranger. During this, Vincent is struggling with to keep his family happy and content, but the wife begins to smell a rat. Time Out is an intriguing slow paced thriller about a man's pride and his search for happiness, which provides well developed characters and ingenious cinematography that enhances the quality of the film. Ultimately, the audience is provided well-rounded story that is presented through an astounding cinematic experience."
The Search for Meaning in Ordinary Life
Tom Shi | Columbus, OH United States | 01/31/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Vincent is an average working stiff family man who suddenly lose his job. Finding another job is not really the problem, something deeper than unemployment is troubling this man. His old job so consumes him, yet at the same time is so meaningless to him, that he panicks and become slightly unhinged. He doesn't tell his family, and pretend to be still working, spending his days driving around the country side, sitting in parks. Gradually, he descend into moral seediness. What's disturbing is that this guy has a very loving family and good, decent friends. It's the man's relationship with his work that's troubling. The movie didn't really come together for me until the very last shot, where the themes of the movie that bubbled under the surface rise up in the subtle emotions of his face as a quiet trap close over him.Some people may say, "Well, he is bored with his job, so what? Many of us are!" But I think that's merely the surface of what he is going through. He is a lost man desperately searching for meaning and passion in life. In that aspect, his struggles are like many of our daily struggles amplified, and deserve our sympathy."
Daddy's boy
LGwriter | Astoria, N.Y. United States | 07/06/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The French are masters of subtlety and here's another film that proves it. Vincent, a quiet family man, keeps up the appearance of having his job to make his family--wife and three kids--feel secure with him. But there is another force working at Vincent, inside him and it is just as powerful, if not more so, in his game-playing. He is in thrall to his father, a wealthy businessman who, thanks to his great success, has been able to not only raise Vincent well but also psychologically tie a noose around his neck his entire life. Although this does not seem to be a major theme, it becomes crystal clear near the end of the film. Vincent's own "success" is a mockery of his father's as he scams people left and right, lies to those he knows and loves, and engages in criminal activity. This subtle display of familial dysfunction is a brilliant psychological character study and for that reason alone, makes this a film worth not only watching but owning. It's possible not too many others will have this interpretation of the film, but from my perspective, that's what it is.Highly recommended."
A disturbingly chilling and satisfying film.
Christopher Cook | Plymouth, MN United States | 01/30/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"My girlfriend and I went to go see this movie a bit ago at an International Film Festival here in Minneapolis, not knowing what the movie was about, or who was in it. Although she hated, I absolutely loved it! The story revolves around a man, Vincent, who loses his job and doesn't have the courage to tell his family. To cover for his failure, he concocts an outrageous story about a new job he has gotten for the United Nations, and as the film progresses, we watch as his life goes into a downward spiral. Perhaps the most impressive aspect of this film is the fact that it is truly realistic, both in dealing with the idea of failure and the idea of hopelessness. It's painful to watch, as Vincent wastes away his days doing nothing, while calling his wife to tell her that work is going great, yet at the same time, we can identify with his situation. Pride is one of the greatest human flaws, and the film expertly examines it. Overall, a great film, one that I strongly recommend. Action fans, though, will be very disappointed, as it is truly a character examination piece."