S. Smith | UK | 11/02/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This film was made by my brother, so this review is going to be a bit in his favour. It is obviously low budget and they had no money but it is a good story and you are drawn into the characters, which is rare for films today. The film actually has a story and of course the period costumes and scenes straight out of a Jane Austin novel are beautifully done. The ghost feature is good because you might miss it in the film itself. Nice locations and nice photography. Acting is good, but this director is going to go far when he gets some real funding. I have left a synopsis below. So please buy this DVD if you like old fashioned movie making and spooky, eerie English mansion settings. Sunday afternoon drama with a chill.
The gothic romantic thriller Time of Her Life concerns two spirits, temporally estranged, who must spend their days eternally - and fruitlessly - roaming the grounds of a British estate, looking for one another. As the story opens, Ally (Laura Penneycard), an aspiring photographer, is puzzled by inexplicable dreams. She befriends Emmett, the scion to a wealthy industrialist haunted by memories of his girlfriend Catherine, a servant-girl who vanished without explanation. Ally wants to help Emmett find Catherine, but feels deeply disturbed by Emmett's inhuman appearance and must work through her fears before she can begin to aid him. In relaying the story, writer, producer and director Steven M. Smith cuts back and forth between two time periods, and laces the film with supernatural sequences and hair-raising suspense. ~ Nathan Southern, All Movie Guide