Surprisingly well done.
D. Knouse | vancouver, washington United States | 12/31/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Andy Garcia completely owns the screen in every scene. His performance here is enough for anyone to buy this movie. But, alas, there are problems with his supporting actress Andie Macdowell. The whole movie she looks like a deer caught in high-beam headlights. It is particularly noticeable whenever she "shares" a scene with Mr. Garcia. There is one scene where it's her big moment, her "look at me and see how talented an actress I am" moment, when Andy Garcia completely downplays the scene and through subtlety and nuance buries Mrs. Macdowell and steals the movie from under her. Another scene, a pre-love-making stare-down between the two stars is almost laughable. Andie Macdowell is frozen while Andy Garcia nearly melts the celluloid with his eyes. It's as if Mrs. Macdowell realized at some point that she was just no match for Mr. Garcia, went limp, and planned her follow-up project. She has talent, just not in this movie. Try "Dinner with Friends" to see what she's really capable of. All said, this movie would have been better off without a love-interest sub-plot. The lives of the myriad professional scalpers was more than enough to keep me watching. The seedy underworld they inhabit while just trying to make a living was very interesting. Overall, this was a surprising and mostly rewarding film."
Andy Garcia is THE MAN!
A. Nelson | Los Angeles, CA | 03/27/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I rented this movie and after watching it, I knew I had to own it. Andy Garcia is so charming in this (as well as drop dead gorgeous) - it's too bad he isn't offered more comedy roles. He was great in this as was the rest of the cast. I really enjoyed the storyline. And those eyes - ouch! I hope his wife appreciates what she gets to wake up next to every day."