Not what i thought it was
miss stooge | uk | 10/18/2004
(2 out of 5 stars)
"hello i'm damn confused. living in england, i never got to see the ABC made-for-tv three stooges film.
i know it got mixed reviews and was apparantly innacurate, but being a big stooges fan i wanted to get hold of it.
the imdb website links take you to this 60th anniversary dvd. so do searches on amazon related to james frawley (the director) and paul ben-victor (who played moe in it.)
so imagine my disappointment when i bought this dvd, and it wasn't the made-for-tv film. even the slip i recieved from amazon on delivery says 'paul ben-victor' on it.
so does anyone know of a dvd or video which does actually contain the made for tv film. i would be very grateful if anyone could tell me or send it me so i can have a look at it.
by the way, the dvd turns out to be a documentary on the stooges. i've seen most of the footage before but its quite interesting. it also contains four shorts, and guess what they are?? disorder in the courts, sing a song..., malice in..and brideless groom, no surprise there then. great shorts if you don't own em. unfortunately i have each of them 4 times now."
This is the 1983 Documentary on the boys,narrated by Steve A
Jake Marsico | Flagstaff,AZ | 08/17/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The reviews on the THREE STOOGES:60TH ANNIVERSARY COLLECTION DVD are mistakenly referring to the acclaimed and well-made 2000 TV movie biopic starring Paul-Ben Victor as Moe and Michael Chiklis as Curly.It's not yet available on both VHS video and DVD,but the film airs from time to time on AMC so I suggest taping it off of them whenever it comes on and stop posting reviews of it on this DVD by accident.The actual DVD contents feature the excellent 1983 Documentary on the boys' film career called STOOGES SNAPSHOTS which is beautifully narrated by the late,great Steve Allen,who ironically had the Stooges on his late '50's TV show ( Curly Joe DeRita's 1st TV appearance with the Stooges ! ),and features interviews with many of the Stooges' co-stars including favorite foil Emil Sitka,directors Jules White and Edward Bernds,film critic Leonard Maltin,and Curly's ex-wife and daughter.There are some video versions of this documentary that are retitled THE MAKING OF THE STOOGES,which I owned many years ago.Along with the 45-minute documentary,there is also the four public domain shorts that we've seen for about the umpteenth time,most of which of not-so good quality,but not that bad for around $6.00 !! There was also an another excellent Stooges documentary that was produced by MPI Home Video many years ago called THE STOOGEPHILE TRIVIA MOVIE which is based off of Jeff Forester,who also narrates and hosts the documentary,'s book and features some really good facts and interviews from the Allen documentary that are new to the special.Sadly,it's only available on out of print VHS and not on DVD,but hopefully it will get the DVD treatment that it deserves within a few years !! A good but not great DVD with the Documentary and four shorts ( beware of quality ! ) for only $ 6.00 !!! I would definitely pick this DVD up before it goes out-of-print as well !!! For die-hard Stooge fans only !!!"
Excellent but too brief!
Michael A. Newman | New Hyde Park, NY | 02/11/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I liked this one a lot but found it to be to short. You really needed to be familiar with the history of the Stooges to follow the film. They could have developed Larry and Curly a lot more than they did.
They really glossed over the Healy years and could have done more there tool. They ended the film abruptly at the comeback but do not show the feature films or the cartoon series. The very end also told you what happened to each Stooge but it flashed so fast that I was only able to read about half.
They did an excellent job recreating scenes from the shorts that we know. It was interesting that the foley work was done instantaneously, unlike today where it could be done over a period of months in a studio.
One thing I remember in Moe's book which was not shown was the day Curly suffered his stroke, the heartless executives insisted that Moe and Larry finish the short they were working on later in the same afternoon! You might remember that one as a big pie fight that doesn't have Curly in it.
Curly did appear briefly in one of the Shemp shorts as a sleeping passenger on a train.
I know there was big animosity to Joe Besser and that Moe had always wanted Joe De Rita to be the third Stooge. This was shown well in the film.