"Last night I saw Three "Mo" Tenors on PBS and was supremely entertained. First of all, I had seen a review about them and hoped I would see them. I got the chance last night and never left the TV. They are awesome, and extremely talented. They each had a solo and each one was as great as the other. I have purchased their CD and can't wait to see them when they come to Boston next year, I already bought my tickets. Go and see them, order the video and get the CD, you will not be disappointed. By the way the audience had a ball with them and so will you. I did."
Bravo! Mo' Mo' Mo'
jcarol99 | California | 05/14/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The word "Mo'" in the title got my attention. I bought the CD to compare it to the already popular "Three Tenors" (Placido Domingo, Luciano Pavarotti and Jose Carreras). Wow! Was I surprised. I had expected an all opera, classical and possibly spiritual repertoire. But, the music varies from "Nessun Dorma" to "Love Train" and is truly, truly delightful. I enjoyed the wonderful voices of Thomas Young, Roderick Dixon, and Victor Trent Cook and the variety of musical selections so much that I purchased several other copies for my family and friends. Then, several months later, I saw their performance on PBS. I immediately ordered the VHS offered by the TV station, paying way, way over the retail price. But, I had to have it. It was, and is, the most exciting musical performance that I have seen. Later, when I put the tape into the player at my son's house, my 5-year-old granddaughter Ciara stood next to me to watch. I expected her to move away soon, but, she stood there during the entire playback of the performance, and I do mean from beginning to end. I left the tape there so that son could see it later. The following day, and for most days during the next several weeks, Ciara asked to have the tape played, until she later was taught to handle it herself. The family has since replaced my VHS with the DVD so that now, when Ciara visits me, we can watch the show again (and again). "Three Mo' Tenors" was so surprisingly wonderful - with great voices, charismatic personalities, terrific orchestral arrangements, lively and precisely choreographed routines, and the overall sense of the mutual admiration and respect between the three gentlemen. The beautiful cinematics, with frequently interspersed shots of the enthusiastic audience, contributes to the feeling that I am actually there at the concert. Every time I watch it, I see and hear something new. When I first heard the CD, I was not fascinated by the countertenor voice. After seeing Victor Trent Cook's heartwarming performance on the DVD, and hearing his comment about his mother's definition of a countertenor, I have been granted a new appreciation for his voice. Here it is, years later, and I'm still enamored, remembering Roderick Dixon's "Make Them Hear You" elicits tears, Thomas Young's "Twisted" makes me laugh, and the duet with Victor and Thomas (see, I'm now on first-name basis with them) is so beautiful. I could go on and on. In fact, I think that it's time for another performance.
Incredibly versatile
Miss Ivonne | Louisville, KY USA | 12/09/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Mssrs. Cook, Dixon and Young are simply amazing. I found this DVD to try to show my predominately African-American humanities class that classical music wasn't "white" any more than jazz, blues and swing were "black" genres. What I got was so much more. This is a fabulous DVD and so eclectic, containing everything from "dirty" jazz to Mozart to gospel to Duke Ellington. What a joy!
And while Victor Trent Cook's "Minne the Moocher" is a showstopper, my favorite performance was "Make Them Hear You," a cry for justice that moved me to tears. How wonderful!"
Give me Mo' Mo' Mo' of the 3 Mo' Tenors !!
Cherri Seedz | Miami, Florida | 12/14/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Spectacular! This DVD was super incredible. my kidz loved it and i treasure it. It was pure soulful. I watch it on the weekends with a glass of wine...and sit back and let the 3 Mo' Tenors entertain me in the afternoon."
"I had my first Three Mo Tenors experience watching them on PBS and their performance drew me like a magnet to the TV. Recently, I got a chance to watch them perform in person. My heart was filled with joy as I observed people of all ages and ethic backgrounds, some dressed casual and others formal with the common purpose; to view a mezmorizing must see in your life time performance. I encourage all who read this review to give yourself, family and friends a Three Mo Tenors experience. If there not scheduled to appear in your city/town, buy the DVD and I guarantee you won't be disappointed."