Good Thomas video
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I have this one on video instead of DVD. Most of the stories are good, ecspcially Lady Hatt's Birthday Party, and Cranky Bugs. Busy Going Backwards isn't too bad either. Alec Baldwin's narration is good, although his Toad voice is a bit iffy! Alec B. is on my good Thomas list! The story "A Better View For Gordon is okay, but it has an unrealistic crash. Put aside that episode and you've got yourself a pretty good Thomas video. I got it when I was 4 and I loved it. I am now 10 years old and I still watch it!"
Good Thomas video
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I have this one on video rather than DVD. I love this Thomas video! Most of the stories are good, ecspecialy Cranky Bugs, and Lady Hatt's Birthday. Alec Baldwin is a good narrater, although his toad voice is a bit iffy! Toad sounds like he has something cought in his throat. Also, A Better View For Gordon is okay, but it has an unrealistic crash. Put aside That episode and Alec Baldwin's Toad voice, and you've got yourself a pretty good Thomas video. I got it when I 4 and a half. I am now 10 years old and I still watch it! If you get this video, It will be cherished forever."
The new thomas
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Oh, how I remember the day I walked into my local K Mart and seeing this. I so excited and I ended up getting for my sixth birthday way back before the turn of the century. I was disappointed to see George Carlin go, but I thought Alec Baldwin was alright at the time. When I first saw Cranky, I thought it was a freight car on a steel riser! The episodes were good and the new characters were a nice change. This was one of the big changes Thomas went through right before 2000. The new cover was a big attraction to a six year old."