Percy Saves the Day: On the Island of Sodor, Sit Topham Hatt is always stressing to the engines the importance of working together a nd listening to one another. But sometimes, the engines don't always do as they're told. ... more »Hop aboard and see what happens when Thomas ignores Percy's warning of a wobbly track. Get ready for Thomas & Friends, where everyone is making tracks to great destination homas & the Special Letter: Thomas and his railway friends welcome you to the Island of Sodor, a magical place where the sun inv bly shines and storms never last long. Meet Geroge, a bad-tempered steamroller who is convinced that roads are much more important t han rails. So get your tickets ready for more freight yard fun with Thomas and Friends. Trust Thomas: Take a journey to the magical Island of Sodor, where fun and adventure lies aruond every bend. Hop aboard Thomas and see how he finds a new way to cross a river. Join your friend Thomas on what he says will be a fun and exciting trip- - -and like the title says, you can always "Trust Thomas."« less