On the Island of Sodor, two kinds of engines help keep Sir Topham Hatt?s railway running smoothly ? steamies and diesels. But is the Island big enough for both? It?s not always easy for these engines to put aside their dif... more »ferences and work together. See what happens when the diesels tease Thomas. Will Thomas come to their aid when they need this Really Useful steamie?s help? And when Gordon develops some very loud squeaks and rattles, will Sir Topham Hatt retire him to the yard for good? That?s what the diesels say! Get on board with the steamies and the diesels and see how they finally learn that, from brake pipe to buffer, all engines are more alike than not.« less
"Please this DVD is very, very bad! When I saw the cover I thought is was going to be good. But when My child saw ths he Fell asleep!! The Engines do not look roght and they move very differently! Also the the opening where it says Thomas & Freinds-What??? That's not the song! Please I really am telling you DO NOT BUY THIS ONE! IT IS HORRIBLE:(!!"
It's okay
Cumulonimbus Harpe | Fresno, California, United States | 12/05/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Wow!, HIT! Entertainment has changed Thomas alot, but the changes they made aren't all that bad. For example, the new theme song at first sounded pretty dumb but it soon grew on me. The only bad thing HIT! added were those ridiculous activites. I think even little kids will get bored of these silly things, they offer no form of actual learning fun and you can get envolved with them that much. Besides those activites, the stories were okay:
Sir Topham Hatt sends Thomas to help Mavis at the quarry. Thomas is surprised to see Diesel there. Diesel says that Sir Topham Hatt will soon scrap steamies and Thomas begins to worry. But will Thomas help all the diesels when they start breaking down due to bad fuel?
Henry wishes that he could pull the Express sometime instead of Gordon. The next day, Henry's wish has come true but Gordon ends up in the repair yard and Henry is afraid that it is his fault that that happened.
Gordon develops some new squeakng noises and when he has to take some children to the harbor, he is afraid that Sir Topham Hatt will hear his squeak and send him to the scrapyard.
Percy perfects his whistle to surprise 'Arry and Burt but his new whistle will soon get him in alot of trouble.
A pretty good video, but it could've been better. For instance, get rid of those ridiculous activites."
Thomas fans will love....but there is a definite change
Kristi McKnight | Bakersfield, CA | 08/06/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I believe that Thomas has gone CGI. This video looks more like animation, and to me has lost the charm of the past movies that are obviously miniature trains on tracks. Everything looks brighter and the numbers and words are more crisp, but it's lost the uniqueness that it once had.
Of course my 2 and 4 year old boys love it...just like all the others, but I wish that it was filmed the old way."
Could hum the new theme all day^^
Steven Taranto | Confidental.^_^0 | 06/26/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I just love the changes they made on this vid.(Although,once again,the UK got 2 more epis than us!>_"
Call this a movie
Steven Taranto | 05/27/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I liked the new fetures on the movie but NOT instead of the storries. however i liked all 4 stories and the 2 music vidios were good too. another good thing is that they showed older engines like Gordon, Henry, Percy, Thomas, Bertie, Trevor, Mavis, and Deisel. The stories 'Squeak Rattle and Roll' and 'Percy's New Whistle' had deisels but did not need them and 'Henry and the Wishing Tree' had no diesels. 'Thomas to the Rescue' was the only story that needed deisels.The Stories areThomas to the Rescue:1st favorite When Thomas works with Mavis and Diesel Diesel says "Steamies can't help" and Thomas feels bad. Then all the deisels on the island get sick from bad fuel and only Thomas can help. Henry and the Wishing Tree:3rd favorite Henry is tired of pulling logs and wants to pull pasengers. Thomas tells him about a wishing tree so Henry went to make a wish to pull the express. After working Henry finds Gordon in the repair yard. He thinks he made Gordon go to the repair yard. Henry now wants to pull logs again but will he.Squeak Rattle and Roll:4th favorite Gordon begins to make some auful noises and thinks he's falling apart. Soon Gordon found that the slower he went the less he squeaked. Then Gordon has to take a fast train to the docks but if he goes fast STH will hear his noises. If he goes slow he'll be late. What will he do?Percy's New Whistle:2nd Favorite Percy wanted a whistle as loud as Arry and Berts horns so he practiced untill he had a loud whistle. He soon annoys the other engines and gets into trouble. when Percy hears Thomas heading strait into a snow drift Percy blew a loud whistle and saved Thomas.Extras: Diffrent sounds, Getting There 2, and Name That Engine 2.Songs: Sounds song, and Engine roll call."