"Especially while the show is airing, who doesn't want to feel like they can be part of So you think you can dance! Totally fun to dance with a bunch of dancers from past seasons, and get a great workout at the same time.
Three different styles of dance routines (hip hop, contemporary, and disco), you can pick one or do all three, and there are separate chapters for the instructions to learn the routines that you can skip and go straight to the workouts after you get them down. Learning the steps is nice and slow, and easy to follow or repeat if you get lost. Then in the workouts they start with doing the routine counting, and get faster, add music, until it's more like a performance at the end - just music no counting at full speed. There is also a bonus dance that mixes the styles together. The dancers on the video are Travis, Katee, Dmitry, Twitch, Lauren, and Courtney.
My only slight complaint is the music is a bit generic, so you aren't going to feel like you are telling any kind of story in the routine like from the show, but after all it is an exercise dvd, so this isn't that big of a deal. It would be cool if they came out with a couple that were focused more on just dance so you feel more like a real routine though. But for now I'm pretty happy they did this at all, and I'm looking forward to trying the other one, Tone and Groove!"
First impression-AMAZING!!!!
lovehitzalot | Minnesota | 07/26/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I just received the So You Think You Can Dance Get Fit Cardio Funk and Tone & Groove dvds yesterday (I tried CF yesterday and T&G today), so my reviews will be based on my first impressions, and then I'll edit them again later regarding the long term results.
First thought-I LOVE these dvds! Because the routines were explained well and taught in a progression, I was able to pick up the choreography for each dance the first time through, though I felt all of the routines were definitely challenging and VERY effective as workouts! After just finishing the second dvd today; my muscles are sore, I'm sweating, and I feel fantastic (and like I worked really hard)! The dancers were all very energetic, encouraging, and none of them ever missed a beat/step on the routines. It was exciting to see all of these great personalities from the show (definitely 5 of my many favorites) choreographing, dancing, and having such a blast out there-and it's even more fun to dance along with them!
Getting down to business, the menu screen has a 'Play All' option which takes you through the warm-up, all 3 routines (with instructions), and the cool down. In the 'Workouts' section, you can choose between the 3 routines (with or without instructions) and the bonus workout that combines the three styles with some extra steps (also with our without instructions). The Warm-Up and Cool Down sections are taught by the whole group of dancers, switching off. They're the same combination of dance-infused stretches on both dvds and they've got a funky flavor going on the Warm-Up and more of a bluesy tone on the Cool Down. I found them to be fully effective in preparing me for the workouts and cooling me down afterward, as well as enjoyable ways to begin and end the session. For extra entertainment value, the dvd also includes interviews with the three dancers featured on the front cover, as well as with Nigel Lithgoe. The dancers' interviews include behind the scenes clips from their workout rehearsals, taping, and photo shoot, as well as them just goofing off with each other and having fun. I expect that all fans of the show would really enjoy these parts as much as I did. :) Anyway, I chose to 'Play All' and then perform the Bonus dance with instruction and my total workout time for each day was about 1 hour and 40 minutes! That will be reduced without the instructions, though I think it's always good to get the extra benefit of performing the moves slowly and isolating the muscles whenever there's time. Seriously, for only $11?-What a tremendous value for the money!
On this dvd:
-Lauren-Hip Hop: This had a very nice groove to it and you can tell that she really focused on making sure that we got a tremendous cardio workout in her routine (especially at full speed). It's fast, it hits, and it's very fun!
-Travis-Contemporary: I loved this one! Beautiful, flowing movements and stops that if done correctly will give your back, arms, waistline, calves, and abs a great stretch and workout!
-Courtney-Disco: This was so cute! Fairly simple moves strung together into a FAST and extremely fun little number. I found this to be an especially effective on my legs. There's lots of comedy in this one too, "check you out, check you out!" :)
The video clip at the top of the screen will give you a nice preview into how the steps are taught and the types of moves you'll be doing. I'm so excited to have added this fitness dvd into my collection and hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did! ***** Difficulty: Intermediate/Challenging (At least a little dance training recommended, if not required)."
Best Dance Workout Yet!
Janny B. | Des Moines, IA | 08/04/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The two So You Think You Can Dance Get Fit DVD's are the best thing to come out since my favorite summer TV show started five seasons ago! This one, Cardio Funk, is such a wonderful change from the same old regular contrived "hip hop" moves in 10-minute segments, or proliferation of oldies music dance tapes. YUCK! I would rate this DVD as intermediate with some impact. If you are not already fit and haven't done dance workouts before, you will be overwhelmed by the choreography; start out with Petra Kolber. I consider it an interval workout, considering the slowness of the beginning choreography of each dance segment. However, each dance builds in tempo until it is being done at full speed and full impact. Even the 10-minute or so warm up starts very easy and builds up to a cardio tempo. However, I didn't feel I would have gotten a full workout unless I did the entire tape, which was about 140 minutes long. I must say, the time absolutely flew by.
Some things you don't get on an ordinary dance exercise tape: the contagious energy and enthusiasm from the SOTYCD crew. Also, really creative choreography. And don't think these guys don't know their physiology as well as say, Kathy Smith. They have been training for years, and throughout the DVD they point out how to do moves correctly to avoid muscle strain.
Throughout the teaching of each set of choreography (hip-hop with Lauren, disco with Courtney and contemporary with Travis), the moves initially seem confusing when they are taught one-on-one with the dancer. But they are done again and again, slowly adding more dancers and slightly increasing tempo, then adding the music, and by the end when they are doing it full tempo with music, I totally had it down. I've also been doing home workout videos for 25 years, mainly dance and kickbox, so again, not for total beginners. At the conclusion, there is a bonus workout, shorter than the other dances, kind of just for kicks, that uses moves from all three workouts.
This workout is a total blast! Not my hardest workout; I have 45 minute kickbox DVD's that leave me more winded. But none are more fun, and if you do the whole thing, you've done a good, core-emphasizing workout. My only complaint is that the choreography of the warm-up of this one is identical to that of the Tone and Groove DVD, and I think universally everyone is going to buy both. With all their creative choreography, they could have come up with different warm-ups. But the rest is so great, I forgive them!"
It's okay
SLEEME | Denver, CO | 10/31/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"In order to get a good workout, you need to be willing to re-do the non-instructional segments which takes some willpower. I think the choreography is pretty simple and anyone could learn it (although maybe not do it as good as the dancers!). I was disappointed in the music selection -- it's pretty boring and for me, having great music is most of the fun of dancing! I wish they had used popular music like they do on the show."
Really fun, unique dance routines
JJ | USA | 12/04/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
""So You Think You Can Dance: Cardio Funk" is a workout DVD based on the popular TV show with three of the styles from the show: Hip-Hop, Contemporary, and Disco. It is led by past contestants who are pretty good teachers and seem to enjoy what they are doing. I've broken down my review into each workout portion to best explain this DVD.
Warm-Up-The warm-up is rather long, lasting about 13 minutes, but it is really fun each time I do it. It is led by the three featured instructors as well as the other three from the partner DVD. It contains the same exercises as the partner DVD which include stretches and some hopping dance moves. A rather long warm-up, but it is fun.
Hip-Hop-Led by Lauren, the hip-hop routine is full of high cardio hops, knee lifts, and twists. Lauren instructs really well by being motivating, but not over the top. Her music choice is not what I'd expect for hip-hop, but it is still nice.
Contemporary-Led by Travis, this routine is the lowest cardio on the DVD, but the best in terms of REAL dancing. The routine features moves I've never seen before, and Travis does a great job of teaching them. He is a bit silly sometimes, but he really is a good instructor. Once again, the music choice was nice but not what I'd expect for contemporary.
Disco-Led by Courtney, this routine is full of shuffles, hitchhikers, and points. It moves quickly, but the steps are easy to learn and fun. Courtney is a great instructor, but she sometimes sounds like she's yelling at the TV screen. She can be quite loud. The music choice is disco, but it's not a song I recognize.
Bonus-Led by all six instructors, it mixes the basic moves from each routine together. I was able to get it my first time through, but others could find it a bit more complex. Fun and great addition.
Cool Down-Once again, this is the same moves as in the other partner video, but they are great and relaxing. They seem to stretch every muscle, and they really calm your body down. My one complaint is that the stretches aren't held long enough, but it's no biggie.
Overall, it is a fabulous fitness DVD. It's so fabulous that as soon as I finished it I had to go order the second one. It is a tad misleading, however, as it says that it lasts 116 minutes. About half of that is teaching, and once you get the routines and just do the workouts, the mixture of all six parts will be about an hour. Great work, So You Think You Can Dance, can't wait to see what you come up with next year! BTW, you don't have to be a fan of the show to enjoy!"