A near-perfect blu-ray transfer...so why dump the extras?
K. Swanson | Austin, TX United States | 08/07/2010
(4 out of 5 stars)
"One of Carpenter's best, and coming on the heels of his B-masterpiece Escape from New York, The Thing is one of the better suspense/alien flicks out there (so to speak). The photography is excellent, the acting better than expected, the gooey monsters still pretty enjoyable, and one of its highlights is the typically superb Morricone score.
So why would the studio nitwits give this one of the best blu-ray transfers out there...and dump all the extras from the dvd except the commentary? Plenty of gigs left on the disc...clearly they're going for the double dip yet again. These greedy weasels whine about piracy day in and day out and then pull their own piracy by putting out blu-rays with less features than the dvds that cost half as much! Insane.
Unless you worship this film, which would justify buying this, I'd wait for the inevitable next version.
Too bad, as this is a truly superb transfer. Borrow a friend's!
PS The way Carpenter uses our sympathy for the dog at the start is real genius."
God damned good
Abdul Fazrul | Malaysia | 07/25/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Bluray is of unbelievably awesome quality. PQ and AQ is superb. Way better than many modern movies."