This item includes the online streaming video + DVD version + streaming audio version + MP3 version. See instructions on packaging to access all versions. Compatible with computers, smartphones, tablets, and smart TVs. Pre... more »view video available at main Seminars On Demand website.STREAMING NOT INCLUDED WITH USED DVDs UNLESS PURCHASED THROUGH SUCCESSMART, OUR AUTHORIZED RESELLERSeminar Description: Are your people bringing all of their passion, commitment, skills and enthusiasm to the workplace everyday? Are dysfunctional viruses such as whining, gossip, and sabotage contaminating the spirit of winning you've been trying to create? Based on her best-selling business book by the same name, this seminar covers a number of powerful strategies for turning whiners into winners, eliminating gossip, holding people accountable, providing higher levels of service, and creating a more positive workplace. Take charge of change in your organization, and turn even the most negative team members into driving forces who help propel the organization to its next level. - TURN WHINERS AND COMPLAINERS INTO TEAM PLAYERS - LEARN A POWERFUL 4 STEP PROCESS FOR CHANGING BEHAVIOR - ELIMINATE GOSSIP AND COMBAT NEGATIVE ATTITUDES - INCREASE ACCOUNTABILITY AND REACH OBJECTIVES FASTER - LIVE WITH NON-NEGOTIABLE VALUES THAT GUIDE YOU Seminars on Demand has produced more than 100 training videos covering a variety of personal and professional development topics. Each one is delivered by one of the world's best speakers, and is recorded in front of a live audience to create the energy exchange that can only occur in that setting. To see the entire list of available programs, visit the Seminars On Demand main website.« less