Coming along nicely.
Nonexistant | New York, NY | 07/07/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Typically with ABe/Ueda, the first episode is a red herring atypical. It ends up turning off audiences. For Texhnolyze, the entire first volume is this way, it is really an introduction without body or substance. Volume 2 brings us into the core of the action, continuing the "vitality" theme that Yoshii advances. It becomes an unholy fire, consuming the town and its governments in bloodshed. It becomes a spectacle, meaning a catharsis. It's still relatively low level compared with what's to come.The visual impact is still beautiful, though by now the viewer is desensitized to the inhumane violence of the first volume. Sound is mediocre. This one receives a 4, since it's something above the dross line in anime, but not yet deserving of a 5 that is given to a masterpiece. Hopefully ABe/Ueda will continue their productions, I sort of see their current works as immature."
Plot finally picks up
Morgan Kelly | New York | 07/19/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"As my title may tell you, I wasn't too happy with the pacing. If you don't have patience, don't bother, because it really takes about 7 episodes to really get the ball rolling here. However, these really are seven necessary episodes, because to plunge right into the eigth episode would have you absolutely confused. You still may be after watchng the first seven episodes, but they do help. Ran is starting to catch my interest, and Doc as well. Ichise doesn't really seem to do much besides come to the realization that this is his arm, and he can't get back the original. All things considered, this is an intriguing second disk, and I'll be sure to buy volume three as soon as I can."
It's Good but you have to watch....
Nick | New Zealand | 07/18/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The same goes for volume one also. read the back cover before you start so you have some knowledge or the plot and good idea for you to remember who a few characters are, there r only a few key characters so doesn't require too much effort. What is happening if you find it hard to follow, with out giving anything away, is that there is a city within the earth and that there is a delicate balance of power with in that city. THe anime itself is very good to watch but kind of dream like also so you have to concentrate on it, you can't switch of; it cuts from one plot line to another quite a lot, and why visually and atmospherically this is no prob at all, both r really good by the way, it does require you to keep up with whats going on.
That being said it is very rewarding if u can follow what's going on, it has a lot of depth to the story, some people also call this depth slow and boring, so it all depends what u r wanting. For me basically the anime has a really good atmosphere, I like this anime a lot, my favourite anime is berserk which is quite different to this, but i enjoyed that heaps, and i am enjoying this a lot now too, now that i know what is going on. Great stuff."