""LUCKUSS, the city of despair and violence..."This is definitley a unique anime, the story is complex, the characters are clouded and the dialog is minimal. Basically it takes place some kind of city thats beneath the surface of earth. This underground city is being run by gangs and there is a technology that can replace lost limbs when cut off... which seems to happen alot down here.Episode 1: the first episode is rather confusing... there is barely any speaking and you're forced to understand the story through silent happenings and flash backs. We are introduced to the main character who doesn't speak once but seems to be a professional fighter.Episode 2: the still unnamed main character gets a arm and leg cut off by a gang that he seems to be running away from. there is quite a bit more talking in this episode, and it basically shows us his journey through the city without his right arm and left leg.Episode 3: a woman finds the still un named man missing limbs and takes him to a facility.. there he gets texhnolyze limbs created for him.. but will he allow them to be put on?Episode 4: finally.. the mysterious man gets his texhnolyzed limbs... and what does he do with them? he tried to destroy them. He isnt happy about it and he goes wandering through town.. the end for nowThe packaging art is nicely done and is the reason i bought the anime to tell you the truth (cool artwork). the back of the case uses a unique description by showing us some short profiles of the main characters in this volume. episodes in this anime are referred to as "Rogues".All in all this anime seems to have surprised me.. after viewing the first episode i felt that this anime was definitley not for me.. but after finishing the other 3 episodes i started to grow interested in the plot and i now plan on purchasing the next volume in june. on a side note i really enjoy the opening and ending songs.. the opening is performed by juno reactor so you better believe its some kick ass techno, and the ending is a group/performer that i am unfamilar with but he does a good depressing acoustic song."
Utterly amazing
Nicholas Gold | Baltimore | 03/14/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Texhnolyze is not only one of the most unique anime series ever produced, but frankly, I would not feel I was going ut on a limb by saying it is simply one of the mosty unique, and moving pieces of motion picture ever done, particularly so if this is limited to the animated medium.
This is a very dark, melancholy series, and is very challenging for the viewer at points. I just completed it for my second time through, and only now do I fully appreciate the depth and feeling this series has to offer.
Texhnolyze is science fiction, a story about a humanity divided between the worlds of dark and light, at the twilight of our time as a species. But instead of dwelling on the science fiction and technological aspects of the story, it instead focuses on the human stories that are at the core of the series. The characters all evolve, and provoke the viewer's sympathies. It is nearly impossible to label individual characters as "good" or "bad" here, rather, we get to experience the cast of players discovering themselves, and learning about the world they inhabit.
I cannot recommend this series enough. If you are a fan of Lain, Boogiepop Phantom, and other dark, heady anme series and films, don't even hesitate to pick this series up immediately, as it will be one of the favorites of your collection (especially upon repeated viewings, which it absolutely demands). And I think anyone who appreciates true, 21st-century art in its purest form will take something from Texhnolyze, as it is simply deeply moving and provocative, as well as totally gorgeous in its presentation, music and sound design, acting and writing. Five stars, and I would give it six if I could. One of the best."
Intricate Enigma
kjsung999 | Fort Belvoir, VA United States | 07/04/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Texhnolyze... surreal, dark, mysterious, unpredictable, interesting, intelligent, highly complex...I guess if I could sum it all up in one word, it would have to be masterpiece!I watch alot of Anime and from the selection of titles that I have seen, that have been released this year, Texhnolyze is indeed a rare treat! Fans of Lain, Evangelion, Boogiepop Phantom, Ghost in The Shell, Akira, Haibane Renmei, The Soultaker and Witch Hunter Robin will very likely enjoy this engaging series as it is a highly complex puzzle to be solved, revealing itself in bits and pieces at a time. The pacing of the story is slow in this first volume but it is one of its strengths as the focus is brought down on realistic character development and gives a chance for the viewer to familiarize themselves with the surreal environment. However, things start to take off in the second volume as more answers are revealed about the main players in this story as well as the beginnings of the roles that they will play.Texhnolyze is not an easy story to understand, and for this reason it would probably be best for the average viewer to watch one episode and then take a little time to reflect upon it before continuing on to the next chapter. For those persons that are just getting in to Anime, I very highly recommend this series if you found the original Matrix or Twelve Monkeys rewarding.To stay true to the series, it was my intention not to reveal too much of anything about this story or it's characters but for those of you who are interested in going a little deeper... http://www.texhnolyzedvd.com/"
If you think you have the patience then try to watch this
Keith A. Jones | Philadelphia PA | 01/18/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Texhnolyze is really really weird at first, especially since most of the first episode is in complete silence. Silence is ok but when even the visual leads you nowhere it starts to get at your nerves. The animation is excellent but the story is lacking a bit. The good thing with this is that the first and second episode are the ones that would make you turn it off but the remaining ones get you interested. If you can't wait this out then I can't blame you the beginning is boring as hell but it's almost worth the wait when you get deeper into the story."
Definitely NOT your kids' cartoons
Henrik | in the Anime aisle | 06/09/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Since I'm a writer, as well as a fan of SF and anime, I thought I'd like Texhnolyze. I really like it-- but it's NOT easy to understand it. Others have detailed the plot, so I won't try; but I will give impressions on some things that struck me right away from the first volume.First, it's a very quiet story. No dialogue of any kind for more than ten minutes, then it's mostly one-sided (talking on the phone, to others who don't talk back, etc). Most of the setup is done in dystopic, frequently violent images, couples with disturbing sounds. For the first three episodes (out of four), this lack of spoken narrative is the standard. The slower pacing of each episode is a definite benefit, giving the viewer more time to "look around" in Texhnolyze's world.Second, the use of clean lines and frequently washed-down colors adds to the bleak atmosphere of the episodes. The dream sequence in "Rogue 1:Stranger" is awash in white haze, with very little clear detail. (It is interesting to note that, given the plot of this series, white is the traditional color of death and mourning in Eastern cultures).Next, the concept of a character whose clairvoyance is limited to only one of several possible futures is interesting, because psychics are not usually portrayed in such a limited way. Ran, the young girl in the (cat? fox?) mask is more realistic and sympathetic because of her power's limits.Finally, the concept of a "Mob"-like corporation that provides its operatives with superhuman abilities for its own ends bears a certain resemblance to The X-Files, Star Trek's Section 31, and some episodes of The Outer Limits, so that will appeal to fans of general SF.All in all, Texhnolyze has a strong beginning in this disc, but the violence and density of the plot make it unsuitable for younger viewers."