"TERRORSTORM sets a new standard in documentary filmmaking. Alex Jones knocks it out of the park yet again." - Dylan Avery, Director, Loose Change — "Alex Jones is a true patriot, a genuine hero." - Actor/Director Charli... more »e Sheen
In this UPDATED AND EXPANDED edition of TERRORSTORM, Alex Jones-often credited as the father of the 9/11 Truth Movement-provides a riveting case of how throughout history, criminal elements inside governments have carried out terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them. TERRORSTORM reveals that in the last hundred years, Western leaders have repeatedly murdered their own citizens while posing as their saviors.
Containing brand new footage, evidence, and interviews (with people such as Gore Vidal and Jesse Ventura), Jones explores the mindset of the average brainwashed Westerner and delves deeply into the systems of control, which have been scientifically crafted to imprison the public's minds and keep their eyes closed to the realities of the world around them.
In addition to blowing the lid off the conspiracy of 9/11 and the attacks of 7/7 in London, TERRORSTORM also reveals other terrorist events that were self-inflicted wounds, such as the Reichstag fire, the Gulf of Tonkin, and the US-backed Iranian coup of 1953.
This UPDATED AND EXPANDED edition contains new footage of the 5th Anniversary 9/11 Truth rally at Ground Zero in New York City; recently surfaced BBC and CNN press coverage regarding the destruction of WTC Bldg. 7-twenty minutes before it fell; details about the "shoot down" law which was never invoked on 9/11; the Norman Mineta testimony; crucial testimony from members of the CIA and 9/11 family members; and much more.
Alex is known for not just talking the talk, but walking the walk. He combines his media presence with actual physical activism, a practice that once led to him being arrested on the personal order of George W. Bush!
Alex Jones has gained international attention for standing up for what he believes in. From Italy's La Prensa to the Wall Street Journal and USA Today, Jones has brought the information war to the mainstream print media worldwide, speaking out against tyranny in defense of the Constitution.
Jones has produced fifteen documentary films to date exposing the police state, the New World Order and government sponsored terrorism.
Alex Jones is considered by many to be the grandfather of what has come to be known as the 9/11 Truth Movement. Jones predicted the 9/11 attack in a July 2001 television taping when he warned that the Globalists were going to attack New York and blame it on their asset Osama bin Laden.
Since 9/11 Jones has broken many of the stories, which later became the foundation of the evidence that the government was involved. After helping BBC journalist Greg Palast break major stories Palast publicly thanked Alex for being the only radio host to pay attention to W199I, a leaked document concerning FBI protection of groups linked to Al-Qaeda.
Last year, he had Charlie Sheen as a guest on his talk show. The interview received mainstream media coverage and commentary by CNN Showbiz Tonight, Fox News' Hannity & Colmes and Jimmy Kimmel Love (ABC), when Sheen alleged US government had prior knowledge of the attacks on 9/11.
The terrorists are not who you think they are.« less
"Alex Jones is a phenomenon. A well versed man in the world of politics and conspiracy. He is articulate and motivated by a disgust of most things political. He has created some of the best films exposing the corruption of world leaders that have ever been produced. This film is no exception. As the wisdom of the creators of the film 'Loose Change' has unfolded, Mr. Jones has decided to follow a similar path with his film 'terrorstorm'. New information simply floods the world of news about 9/11. Mr. Jones is now releasing an updated version of his film in the form of a 'SECOND EDITION'. This film, while at times feeling a little sensationalized, is the pinnacle of what 9/11 expose films are all about. It is an incredible expose of actual mainstream television (UK AND US) and declassified documentation as well as newspaper articles and such that show the underbelly of 'hush' politics. A whole lot happened in the UK that most Americans are unaware of. Most of us are also unaware how much it matters to all of us what happens 'over there'. Not to mention some other topics like questions about September 11th that we all have. As well as historical discussion about dictatorship and the rise and fall of facism in Germany under Hitler. This is JAM packed with information based on solid evidence and not just a DVD full of 'Conspiracies gone wild'. Let Alex Jones help you to understand what a large portion of the media are telling you to ignore. Then, think for yourself. Over the years so many things have been exposed about government corruption and lies that to ignore this possibility would be a disservice to yourself and your country. If you watch and then seek to find out if this information is accurate and not just from the minds of paranoid crazies then you could consider yourself informed and decide what YOU believe. Not what you are TOLD to believe. I appeal to your common sense and integrity. Give this information a chance to help you understand the possibilities. Because they are not so far-fetched. All of this has happened before. Who's to say it didn't happen 6 years ago? Please consider this film. Thank you for reading."
Terrorstorm is a must-buy!
B. LAWS | Charleston, WV | 07/31/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I have the original editions of Terrorstorm: the original version as shown at the 9/11 Neo-Con Symposium, and the "proper" edition that was sold in the Infowars shop and here on Amazon as well as numerous retail sellers. When I first heard Alex Jones mention that he would be putting out another edition of Terrorstorm, I asked myself "What else could he do to improve this". Well, there's a LOT of new information that didn't come public until well after the original release, and the amount of new information well-justifies this purchase.
You still get the same great film with a detailed documentation of various false-flag operations dating back to the 1933 Reichstagg Fire which set the stage for the Nazi Empire. You also get coverage of other false-flag operations such as the joint-CIA/MI6 "Operation Ajax", the Gulf of Tonkin Incident (which Rosie O'Donnell outright mentioned on "The View"), Operation Gladio, and the USS Liberty Incident.
This documentation of false-flag operations perfectly segues into the tragic 2005 London bombings which were clearly used to get Tony Blair re-elected as Prime Minister and the ensuing events such as the Brazilian youth who was murdered by British police as well as a brainwashed fruit stand worker who actually believes you can give up liberty for freedom. In addition, Alex Jones participates in a protest in front of the British Parliament building, only to have police ask him for his information which is used to enroll Jones in a terrorism database. A terrorism database for PROTESTING!
The rest of the original film, including the protest at Crawford, Texas, with Cindy Sheehan and former CIA agent Ray McGovern, is still here, and is still as pertinent as ever before, as well as a neo-con zombie who thinks wearing a T-shirt that says "I Love Halliburton" is patriotic. The film also includes Charlie Sheen going public about his suspicions about the "official" 9/11 story, as well as the historic 9/11 Scholars Neo-Con Symposium meeting which featured noted people such as Jones and Sheen, as well as former BYU physics professor Steven Jones.
What sets this edition apart from the original editions is the inclusion of new footage. The most important new footage in this edition has to be of mainstream media, especially the BBC and CNN, reporting that WTC Building #7, aka the Solomon Brothers Building, had collapsed before the building actually fell. Pay close attention to the BBC's coverage, which featured BBC reporter Jane Standley reporting that the building had collapsed - not only 23 minutes before it actually fell, but with the building still standing in the background! Also included are interviews with Gore Vidal and former Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura, with Ventura - a former Navy SEAL - raising his suspicions about the official 9/11 story by talking in great detail about Operation Northwoods.
The original editions of Terrorstorm were, and still are, great. However, this edition really sets it apart from anything else. Video production (including camera work and graphics and video transfer) and audio production (including the excellent soundtrack by Graham Reynolds, who did work on the soundtrack for "A Scanner Darkly") are superb, especially considering that this film was basically done on a shoestring budget. I commend Alex Jones, Paul and Steve Watson, Graham Reynolds, and everybody else for their fine work on this film.
This film is a definite must-buy!"
One of the best documentaries for Newbies
revolutn@hotmail.com | Illinois uSA | 08/01/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"So you've been following the corruption of Government since JFK was assassinated or some such similar history altering event where the official story is a laughable disgrace of an explanation.
But your friends and family don't 'get it' and you wish you could summarize it all in a nice neat package for them.
Enter TerrorStorm.
What makes it one of the greatest documentaries to awaken the obliviously unaware, is it's excellent, methodical, yet engaging foundational building of documented proven historical examples where there's no wiggle room for 'theory' leading up to the crimes perpetrated on September 11, 2001 and carried through to the audacious 7/7 bombings in London.
Terrorstorm and America Freedom to Fascism are THE definitive tools to awaken your friends and family members to the systematic dismantling of our country's unique liberty and personal freedoms.
President George W. Bush did speak the truth when he said They attack us because they hate our freedoms.
He just lied about who 'they' were."
C. Ganrude | 08/02/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Alex Jones is a man on a mission. His mission is to uncover the corruption and tyranny of the major governmnets on this planet... and he does it very well! This DVD will chronical the history of government sponsored terrorism. Over the last 100 years, governments have used terrorism to their advantage as much, if not more, than they do today. This new version includes a great interview with Jesse Ventura in regards to oporation Northwoods, The Gulf of Tonkin, and 9/11. This is a must see for anyone who wants to know how things really happen in the world. There is no cherry on top, no mainstream media distortion; only real and in your face facts about government sponsored terrorism.
Tell Everyone You Know
Melody C. Orr | Bakersfield, CA | 11/13/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Terrorstorm has changed my world. My husband and I have given it to our family members(to differing degrees of acceptance) and we will continue to disseminate its information.
These matters are too important to be concerned that our loved ones think we're crackpots, and frankly those who've watched it know it's true whether they want to believe it or not.
All the information is presented in a straightforward manner and is easy to fact-check; Jones and his team have crossed every t and dotted every i."