Lory R. (melikedvd) from RICHMOND, CA
Reviewed on 7/5/2020...
If you like independent, low budget 80's camp horror, you can't go wrong with these two. Both are centered around a TV, one with zombies and the other with aliens coming from it.
Terror Vision is the sillier of the two, played for laughs. In this one an alien uses a TV to create havoc. Of the two, this one has the "Bigger" budget and some known actors.
The Video Dead (1987) was shot on 16mm and blown to 35mm for theatrical release. Director Robert Scott managed to put together a fun new look at zombies. Shot in the SF Bay Area for next to no budget. How do I know all this? This was the first movie I had a credited speaking role in. Over the years it's found a cult following of horror fans. Yes, I'm more then a little bias since I worked 14 days on the movie. I truly am proud of being a part of this production. If you like zombie movies, I think you'll enjoy it.
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