Same Old Same Old
J. Dion | Victoria, BC, Canada | 08/21/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"If you like The Law of Attraction and I love it. and haven't seen too many other videos then you will love this but I find that a lot of the DVD's are the same people over and over again. In this DVD there wasn't much new that I hadn't already seen. I'm not talking about the same story or facts, they are the same people in the same situations. Still it's a good message but I was hoping for different people talking about different situations to make their point. I find this with most of their products. The Hicks have become much more marketing oriented and are putting out products that have different titles but little new material. I still really enjoy all the Abraham has to say I am just thinking that they are getting too much into selling. I'm all for profit but I don't want to feel ripped off and I'm starting to."
Another amazing DVD from Abraham!
Judee Ausnow | Penn Valley, CA USA | 07/18/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Each one of Abrahams DVD's are life changing ... but they just seem to get better and better with each one I purchase. Telling a New Story is no exception. This DVD has opened my awareness even further to paying attention when I am turned upstream and immediately reaching for a better feeling thought. Thanks for keeping these wonderful DVD's coming!"
Its all about telling the best story
Linda M. Emmett | springfield mo | 09/13/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This DVd I watched several times and then the part of the DVD titled YOur Source Tells this Story, just got me going, I was so excited and now that is what I watch over and over and it is sinking in, until you start telling the story the way you want your life to be then you are going to keep getting the same thing. I love it. I love the people, I think Abraham is so funny, she or him or whatever it doesn't matter, Abraham is funny and Esther and Jerry are such a perfect match for this. I am so glad that they are putting this message out there, cause it is so needed.
If you want to know what Abraham is all about this DVD will do it, ABraham will tell you how to start telling Your Story and your life will start working for you. YOu can apply this so all challenges in life.
Love it."
We can all tell a new story!
Tawn E. Head | Albuquerque, New Mexico | 09/12/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I just loved this DVD set, yes, another successful educational tool for our enlightenment. Since wathcing this new episode I have been consciously telling a new story about my life. Abraham's info has again helped me to move forward and more easily what with putting the past behind me and telling a new story from this point on. Not only has it helped me with new ideas, but now I hear others being in the past and can gently encourage them to tell a new story too.
Yeah for Abraham, and thank you to the Hicks! I always get the next piece of guidance to help me know and see that I am moving forward. I stay in the flow or the vortex and keep trusting and is good, as good as I can accept for myself now.
Telling a new story does help with keeping your vibration high."