Another wretched Amber Smith vehicle
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Oh, Amber, what horrible scripts you're accepting! You were good in Laws of Deception, but your roles have gone from bad to worse.
Former Playmate Amber plays a Santa Barbara college student (she's getting a bit old for this) secretly investigating the death of her sister, who was killed by a campus stalker.
Amber gets a job with the college radio station - her own late night call-in show. The killer calls her and threatens her in Play Misty for Me style. It seems that to properly investigate things, Amber has to have sex with everyone, including the manager of the radio station (her sister's ex-boyfriend) and her roommate (who also had lesbian sex with her sister). What a contrived set-up for gratuitous sex and nudity!
They even show the cops investigating her sister's death having sex. If you like this kind of thing, then you'll want to see this movie, but be warned, the script and acting suck big time."
"good actress"?????
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Just watched this on German TV and it is truly excreable.
One reveiwer has previously wrtten that Amber Smith is a
"good actress". I hope he was being ironic, because I have
never seen anyone with less talent except Baldrick in the
Blackadder TV series. This DVD is just a cheap tease flick.
Many people lose clothing and then kiss the back of each others
necks.Very, very bad."
Tell Me No Lies
A. Rasmussen | Sarasota, FL United States | 09/27/2001
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Amber Smith is beautiful but the movie is amateur hour at its finest. Poor acting and script. Wait for cable and only watch it if there is absolutely nothing else on."
Not even worth the 1 star
Dennis S. Stuempfle | Pittsgrove, NJ USA | 06/04/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This movie has nothing. Well there are a few good songs but as a movie this stinks AND whoever was in charge of the closing credits didn't even get that right because they didn't give credit for any of the music. The first 11 minutes play out like several bad music videos. The camera work in the beginning makes me believe this was first shot by a teen learning to use a home camera. There are more than a half dozen cliched lines in the movie. The acting needs to improve a bit to fit into the amateur category. I'm surprised everyone didn't use aliases. The plot is silly and predictable. Ok there are some hotties in the nude but even those scenes were looped to stretch scenes that were already too long. Have I mentioned that I didn't like the movie? It's thinly veiled soft porn that is poorly acted,filmed and directed . If you want skin, I'd recommended just renting some porn. If you want a good movie, with acting and a plot, rent or buy something else....almost anything else in fact."