Ninja Turtles blowout
Simon | Brampton, ON | 09/13/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Though billed as a "season 4" set, these 2-discs only contain 14 of the 26 episodes produced for season 4. If you check various dvd listings, you'll realize that these are the 14 episodes that have not been included on dvd. If you want the other episodes of season 4, you'll have to get the single discs. Sneaky, huh?
Whatever. There are lots of great things about this set. First of all it's FOURTEEN episodes for the same price you've been paying for all the other discs. So it's more than double the "Hun on the Run" disc, and 4x some of the early releases. Maybe 4Kids is being generous...or maybe it's just burning off the "old" episodes as the series makes the leap to the Fast Forward revamp. Your call.
Second, these are the better episodes from season 4. The first half of the season was kinda hit-and-miss, but the latter half picked things up with a new intro sequence, Karai becoming the new Shredder, a mutant outbreak caused by Bishop, and Don's mutation. Nobody, Usagi Yojimbo, and Gen guest star, the Uncle Augie mystery is solved, and Savanti Romero returns for revenge. There's also a heartbreaking tale from Master Yoshi's early years.
Third, we get the banned episode "Insane in the Membrane." This one explains what happened to Baxter Stockman, as well as the introduction of the new Battle Shell seen in the intro. It's a little stronger medicine than the usual fare perhaps, but nothing worth being banned for. Again, your call.
The only thing missing is the season finale "Ninja Tribunal," which has probably been saved for the direct-to-video Ninja Tribunal storyline coming in 2007. Regardless, this is a must-buy for Turtles fans. A great value, and great entertainment."
Season 4? I Think Not!
J. Wood | Long Island, NY, USA | 03/22/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I see that some of us have noticed that this is not really the complete fourth season but is infact only fourteen episodes out of twenty six. There is another episode missing by the way, it's the Halloween episode "All Hallow's Thieves" which is supposed to be the second episode on disk one. Counting the ten episodes that come before these, "All Hallow's Thieves" and "The Ninja Tribunal" this set is missing twelve episodes all together. As far as I'm concerned this set is a rip off and I sincerely hope Funimation will re-release season four correctly (ie Season 4 Part 1 of 2 and Season 4 Part 2 of 2)later on down the line or I'll give them a drop kick they'll never forget. This is why I only gave it three stars, good show but lousy compilation for this DVD set. All in all you're better off waiting a little while to see if it gets a proper release."