Better than given credit, but not up to the other seasons
Sparky | Marquette, MI United States | 11/17/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Season Five of The A-Team often gets bashed, and to some degree it's warranted. The A-Team joining forces with General Stockwell holding them by the leash was awful since it never went anywhere. These guys are suppose to be soldiers of fortune, outlaws for hire who play by their own rules, and now they're being controlled by someone else. Then they added in Frankie Santana and forced him into a more prominent role than some other Team members. I could see Frankie in an Amy or Tonya recurring role, but he got too much attention for my tastes. The Simpsons once spoofed the fact that TV shows tend to add in new characters when they're desparate and that's exactly how Frankie and Stockwell came off.
To top it off, some of the stories were awful and the production quality was horrible. I know the production continuity wasn't perfect by any means during the other seasons, but it just seemed like they started to give up altogether. The final episode, The Grey Team, was down right awful. Come on, you got Frankie and B.A. running scared of a bunch of old folks? B.A.?! Watch the part where the car goes flying through the air then it cuts to a shot of the car dropping straight down. Bad...really bad production.
But for all the negatives, there were positives. While some of the stories were bad, I thought some were excellent, too. The opening threesome of The A-Team's capture, trial, and escape was very well done. The episode where Face learns about his dying father and his sister is another one I liked. It's that kind of character development, learning more about their backgrounds and tying up loose ends that really lacked in the first four seasons, and that was very refreshing to see.
All in all, it was obvious they made a change of direction during Season Five and that they were desparate to make something work. Unfortunately, there were too many issues from stories to production quality that made this season less than memorable. It still had it's moments and it had some good character development as well, but the addition of Stockwell and Frankie definitely made it a different cup of tea that not all A-Team fans appreciated."
Steven Hancock | Winston Salem, NC United States | 03/31/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"With "The A-Team: Season Five - The Final Season" on DVD, you can enjoy the final thirteen episodes of one of television's greatest action shows. However, this was definitely the worst season of the show. This doesn't mean that the final season is horrible, but it's nowhere near as good as it had been in previous seasons. The format of the final season is drastically different. The tone of the show is dark this time around, and even the humor cannot hide this fact. Even the season's best episode, "The Say U.N.C.L.E. Affair," is very dark, and has one of the few instances of a character actually dying ON camera.
The whole idea of the A-Team working for a top-secret organization within the U.S. government never really works. The Stockwell character is useless for the most part, and Frankie Santana is one of the most annoying characters I've ever seen on a T.V. show. But still, there were some good episodes, such as "Trial by Fire" (which features one of the greatest Murdock moments ever), the aforementioned "Say U.N.C.L.E. Affair," and the exciting, hilarious penultimate episode of the show, "The Grey Team." Overall, this was a decent ending to one of television's greatest shows. Fans of the show will enjoy it.
Program/DVD Grade: B"
Review Season Five of A-Teeam
Michael W. Wilson | Pueblo, Colorado | 01/11/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The A-Team was a cartoon of sorts. Few people died, and few were injured from the thousands of rounds of ammo used each show. It morphed many times. Original show had a female member. She was removed to make it more 'macho.' Then, by the end of the fourth season, someone thought it would be a good idea to have the guys work for the government. General Stockwell I understood, but not Dishpan Samtana. The show suffered and died. Only real regret is that that a 'final show,' was not done with the official pardons given. Two shows that Dirk Benedict starred that did not get a final wrap. A-Team and Battlestar Gallactica."
The Last Year of a Classic
William F. Worth, Jr. | Escanaba, MI, USA | 01/09/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"While not as good as the first couple of years, the A-Team went out with their heads held high. They ended the series on a high with the pardons and the end of the business with the goofy spy. The only complaint is that the episodes are on the DVD as they were aired, with the last two out of the proper order. At least with a DVD they can be viewed in the correct order."
The Season This Show Bit The Dust!
Taheen Lopez | United States- San Diego, CA | 01/25/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This abbreviated 1986-87 Season of The A-Team was the worst season of them all, because the team makes a new transition from being for hire and on the run from the Army to being assigned to a mission by Gen. Stockwell(Bob Vaughn), which the team seemed to despise leaving kind of love hate relationship between the team and Stockwell, which made the show kind of cheesy and less interesting and less sophisticated with less action than the first 4 seasons along with the fact that this was the season that caused the show to cancel and caused the ratings to go down the toilet making the show go all the way down to the bottom of the list.
Therefore, you could say that Stockwell stold and KO'd the thunder and popularity of this show, since the team being for hire and on the run from the military is part of what made The A-Team so popular during the first 4 years of that show, but since Stockwell captured the A-Team in the Fifth Season, it was like the team was kissing up to him ever since in order to keep the military from continuing to attempt catching them, but the A-Team would always seem to be so reluctant going on whatever mission Stockwell assigned them, unlike the case in the first 4 seasons, because for instance, whenever the A-Team got hired after Hannibal would do a screening out process interview with each client who wanted to hire the A-Team in the first 4 years of that show.
Therefore, it was like the team was always kissing tail to Stockwell after Stockwell saved the team from being executed after their trial when things didn't work well for the team in court causing the team to be indebted to Stockwell for the rest of their lives, which I'm sure was another thing that caused this show to flop and end up cancelling.
This 1986-1987 Season also takes me all the way back to memory lane when NBC's motto was "Come Home to NBC", since that was NBC's slogan from the Fall of 1986 thru the Summer of 1987."