In TEACHER?S PET, film legend Clark Gable stars as Jim Gannon, a school-of-hard-knocks newspaperman who despises journalism schools... until he sees who's doing the teaching. Attracted to lovely professor Erica Stone (Day)... more », he masquerades as a novice in her class. Soon he's her prize pupil, all the while trying to make her his own prize.« less
""Teacher's Pet" is a deliciously funny look at journalism, and the clash between 'formal' education vs. practical experience, with higher learning championed by Doris Day, and the 'School of Hard Knocks' represented by the 'King', himself, Clark Gable. Despite an obvious age difference (Gable, at 57, was showing all of his years), the chemistry between the stars is electric, and with Oscar-nominated Gig Young providing terrific comic support as Gable's brilliant yet down-to-earth competition for Day, the film manages to be both witty and wise.
With over a quarter century of playing newspapermen, the role of hard-boiled City Editor Jim Gannon fit Clark Gable like an old shoe. No-nonsense, pragmatic, and a workaholic, Gannon was the classic 'school drop-out' who learned the newspaper business from the ground up, and held college in contempt. While Gannon was obviously a dinosaur, even by 1950s' standards, Gable appears to be having a ball as the cigarette-smoking, plain-spoken, 'blue-collar' hero.
Despite the constant "Will she or Won't she?" sexual undercurrent of so many of her best comedies of the fifties and early sixties, Doris Day was also a feminist during the era, with her characters self-sufficient, and often holding down important positions based on merit. As Erica Stone, an ex-reporter who returns to college to teach journalism, her demeanor is professional and her knowledge unimpeachable, making her the perfect foil for Gannon.
While the descriptions of Gannon and Stone sound like formula characters for Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn (not surprisingly, as the script was penned by longtime friends Fay and Michael Kanin), the Gable/Day teaming provides a sexual tension that, by the late 1950s, would have been far less apparent had Tracy and Hepburn taken the roles. Even at the twilight of his career, Gable was so totally 'male' that he raised the bar of any actress opposite him, with Day's signature 'perkiness' transformed, here, into sexual potential in a tight skirt (watch her tease Gable, swaying her hips to "The Girl Who Invented Rock and Roll"; Day has never been sexier!)
While the resolution is not surprising, some remarkably candid observations of what makes good print journalism are given by both Day and Gable, with Day's comment of television replacing newspapers as the public's source for breaking news remarkably farsighted in 1958!
If you want a terrific comedy with two stars at the top of their game, look no further; "Teacher's Pet" delivers!"
scotsladdie | 06/08/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Tough, cynical Jim Gannon, a newspaperman from the "old school" first ridicules then falls for a lady teacher who has her own ideas about writing the news. This little 1958 film is a jewel because it contains one of Gable's finer latter-day comedy performances. As the veteran newsman, Gable literally had me laughing out loud in a couple of scenes - something I didn't expect at this point in his career. As Erica Stone, the beautiful teacher of journalism, Day really shines in her plumb role, conveying sexiness, brains and taste in her performance. Gig Young all but steals the show (he was nominated for a best supporting AA) in his gem of a performance as the likeable egghead Hugo Pine; his playing is smooth and assured. Young eventually WON an Oscar for his brilliant performance as the cynical MC in THEY SHOOT HORSES DON'T THEY? Tragically, Young fought private demons in his private life and would ultimately commit suicide - taking his newlywed young wife with him. Mamie Van Doren does okay in her role as the sexpot singer who flirts with Gable in the nightclub scene; there's a fair performance from Nick Adams as the apprentice newsboy to whom Clark offers fatherly advice."
Mark Norvell | HOUSTON | 04/20/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Hard-as-nails, uneducated city news editor Jim Gannon (Clark Gable) sits in on a journalism class by teacher Erica Stone (Doris Day) and falls for her. Trouble is, he's posing as Jim Gallagher---a new student, because he had crassly rejected her offer to speak to her class on, what else, journalism. He has a hard nose against education since he never finished high school and believes that experience is the best teacher. She is amazed at his skill and offers to tutor him, unaware of his ruse. Complications arise from a colleague of Stone's, Hugo Pine (Gig Young) who's a world class scholar on everything. Mamie van Doren is in an all too brief role as Peggy DeVore, Gannon's girlfriend who sings at the Bongo Club and performs "The Girl Who Invented Rock & Roll". She's very funny and holds her own with Gable in the equally funny night club scene. This b&w 1958 film (scripted by Fay & Michael Kanin) has much to say on honesty and truth in journalism but also scores points on experience as well. The chemistry between Gable and Day is near perfect. Young is quietly brilliant as Hugo as well as a deft comedian and gives a very impressive interpretation of a hangover. Good supporting cast features Nick Adams as Gannon's young gofer and protege and Marion ("Happy Days") Ross as Day's savvy secretary. The DVD print is widescreen and fairly good. But what sells this film is Gable. He's supposed to be gruff and tough but his sensitivity as an actor layers his character with all the right humor, charisma and charm. He may have been aging, but he was still one of the best actors ever to cross the screen. Enjoy."
Teachers Pet
Meryl M. Heasman | england | 04/29/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This romantic story starts with the catchy theme tune sung by Doris Day which whisks you back to the 1950`s.
The snappy comedy with it`s witty script shows the incredible talent and versatility of Doris as she is projects a highly intelligent, independent working lady of the 1950`s who is still able to acquire the repect of both men and women alike whilst maintaining her femininity. Clark Gable was brilliant in this, actually I think it was his best film, it seems there was quite a rapport with him and Ms Day. Gig Young was also right for the part and the nightclub scene was extremely funny. The one thing you can say about this movie is that it really hasn`t dated in it`s appeal with it`s sharp wit. Well worth watching, sheer class!
from Meryl Heasman CATFLAP MUSIC. Kent, England."
Best movie I've seen yet!
Meryl M. Heasman | 10/18/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Teacher's pet is a wonderful comedy, with a surprise around every corner. Doris Day plays a professor, who is quickly charmed by her mystery student Jim Galleger, who in real life is James Gannon, her sworn enemy. Clark Gable plays this part with all his charm thrust forward, making this movie a smash, from the begining, to the obvious but wonderful ending. This is a must see for every Doris Day or Clark Gable fan. Day - Gable may be one of the best comedy teams that you will ever see."