No Name | los angeles,, california United States | 01/05/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Ms. Ananiashvili was very good, but her partner Fadeyetchev was very, very mediocre. I wonder why he was chosen as a lead performer. I'm sure he loves to dance, but he should not be a premiere in any ballet.
Although, i like Ms. Anaisshvili very much, I did not enjoy the production. The worst thing though was the last scene at the lake. The music was not the same music from Tschiakovsky's score that is usually played for that scene of the ballet. It did not fit at all!!!
If you have not seen Swan Lake, especially the German ballet version with Steffi Scherzer, then perhaps you will enjoy it. I have seen so many versions of this one-derful ballet, but this was the worst. It's not bad, but it's not good either."
I could watch this DVD every day for the rest of my life and
Giselle | New York | 04/20/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Ananiashvili dances this ballet with such exquisite technique, such perfection of "line" and such emotional integrity, that it eclipses all other performances of Odette-Odile I have ever seen--and I have seen many in my long life. Fadeyetchev as the Prince, although not dancing with the emotional intensity of a Malakhov or Nureyev, nevertheless presents his ballerina almost with his own self-effacement. He knows what he's there for, and it's not to show off himself. And, at the least, he is beautiful to look at. The corps is well rehearsed, and again, defers to Ms. Ananiashvili, who doesn't simply dance the Swan Queen, but becomes her so truly that one cannot help but suspend disbelief."
Ananiashvili carries the performance
Hawkeye | Tulsa, Oklahoma | 01/17/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Ananiashvili has the confidence that comes from knowing that she does not have to compromise with the laws of physics. The rest of the company-- and I dare say the orchestra (it's Japanese)-- is not world class but good enough, but it is the prima ballerina "natural" who rates five stars. (Rothbart actually bops Odette on the noodle accidentally with his hand in Act 3.) Particularly noteworthy are Ananiashvili's beautiful long arms, which undulate like fronds in subtle undersea currents. She understands her characters, stays in character, and is charismatic. See also her vivacious performance in Don Quixote."
Excellent performance by all of a traditional version.
J. M WILINSKY | teaneck, NJ United States | 02/20/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I bought this dvd to see the principals perform one of my favorite ballets and I was not disappointed, much. Both Ananiashvili and Fadeyetchev give wonderful and accurate performances. This version is pretty much a traditional one, with most of Petipa's ideas. I was a little disappointed that there was not much very new, exciting, and technically challenging, as one should expect at this point in ballet history. The prince does not dance much in the first act, but they have given him a new solo adagio, which was refreshing. Another refreshment is the fourth act which uses some music that is often cut out. All the acts are a nice full length. Aside for the sedate principal dancer's choreography, everything else is well done: the costumes, sets, group choreography, and the character dancing. Maybe this would not be my first choice in traditional Swan Lakes, but if you have a collection, as I do, this should find a place in it."