Loved this movie
Jean | Pittsburgh, PA USA | 06/07/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Brilliant film. Excellent plot. Great mix of the ancient rich and diverse Samoan culture, being threatened by modern day pop influences of hip-hop, colliding with tattoo symbolism and unjust shame turned avenging evil spirit. Loved the concept of equal parts suspense murder mystery and horror genre (great horror death in hospital). Loved the concept of strong arm, weak arm for Jake (Jason Behr). Loved the concept of healing tattoos. Brilliant performances by Jason Behr and an exceptionally wonderful New Zealand supporting cast. The shot of Jake's full back art (done in strong symbols), pulling away to reveal Sina's full back art (evil spirit's tattoo turned into tree of life) is stunningly beautiful. I really loved this movie even though I'm not into horror and don't have a single tattoo. I'm not sure how tiny New Zealand manages to put out so many great movies."
Outstanding, particularly for fans of Polynesia
The Tao of Netflix | Washington, DC | 06/24/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This was an interesting movie. An American tattoo artist finds himself intrigued by the Somoan art of tattoing, and along the way finds himself, and his tattooed customers, the grim focus of a spiteful spirit. I highly enjoyed this movie, but must caveat that I'm completely enthralled by all things Polynesia, so I am probably very forgiving of any negative elements of the movie. Polynesia notwithstanding, the story was creative, and certainly a break from normal American horror fare. Good (enough) acting, strong production values and interesting scenery make this a highly recommended film."