Dein Perry has created a dance experience like none other--crackling with blue-collar energy, these six young men from Australia steal tap forever from the world of black ties and tails, and carry it body and soul into the... more » Nineties. Cleverly staged and danced as though their lives depended on it, "Tap Dogs" is winning the hearts of audiences around the world.« less
"Tap Dogs" bark their feet with fury, grace and wit.
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The progression of an exhilarating life is much about how we find different perspectives from which to appreciate things already seen before. That is exactly what Tap Dogs has done to the art of tap dancing. The Australian troupe, working under Dein Perry's innovative and clever mind, has created some amazing tap numbers that will dazzle your mind, eyes and ears. Particularly for the ones used to the typical tap numbers of Gene Kelly (whom, I personally believe, has developed a uniquely beautiful and breathtaking style), the tapping on water - unlike anything Mr. Kelly does in "Singin' in the Rain" - and metal demonstrate sly experiments with the "barking of the feet." Going over ramps, tapping while hanging upside-down or using digital musical equipment in conjunction with taps, the show is a roller-coaster of sound and fury that never leaves one wondering "Couldn't they have tried this?" Well, you name it and they have. If you are fortunate enough to have seen the live show, the tape should provide a great showcase of what was seen on stage, allowing you to go back to scenes that flew by your eyes when you just wished "Can they 'rewind' this quickly?"; if not, it will probably make you want to rush to where they may be performing. The takes and editing are well done, in spite of how frustrating it can be for tap aficionados to see a full-stage shot when a close-up would provide a much better view of the leg/feet work. We all know, however, that when dance numbers are involved (be it a musical or dance performance), the editor's choice of what shots to use is often a quite ungrateful and frustrating task. "Chorus Line," successfully transported to the screen, is a good example of such a challenging job. "Tap Dogs," the tape, both delivers a great tap show on the screen and sheds an inquisitive light into this underrated art of dance and sound. END"
Great fun, well-filmed, rousing
S. Mitchell | nothern california, USA | 11/22/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"love this video. it's well-filmed, not too jumpy -- you actually get to observe the dancing closely for nice long stretches. feels like you're really in the audience, in a front row seat! my young son is just learning to tap, and loves this tape.
a previous reviewer mentioned a brief simulated pee near the beginning -- i found it to be clearly just pretend, and meant in fun (albeit earthy fun). i explained to my kids it was just pretend, and they were cool about it. i'm a bit of a prude, and would not hesitate to recommend this for the whole family."
These guys put Savion Glover to shame
Paul D. McDaniel | Manchester, NH | 04/16/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"My wife and I rented this video several years ago and, after watching it, went right out and bought it. There is no other show like it. It is innovative, entertaining, and just plain fun. I grow tired of all the hype over Savion Glover. He just seems to be tapping with no rhyme or reason. These guys have awesome rhythm and ability to work together. No, its not traditional tap, but it is totally fresh and new. These guys dont dance to the music thats playing, they complete the music with the sound of their feet. Its nothing like Stomp or Bring in Da Noise. It's better. Now that I know its on DVD, I'll be buying the DVD and passing the video on to a friend to share what I feel is an truly amazing performance. And by the way, "new age" is a totally incorrect way to describe this as the previous reviewer stated."
Dein Perry's 'Tap Dogs'; Good show, mates!
Priscilla Stafford | Yokohama, Japan | 07/27/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Winner of 11 International Awards including the Obie Award, "Tap Dogs" is like nothing you've ever seen. A must see for all tap dancers and anyone with an interest in tap dancing, this spectacular show successfully gives a look at new age tap dancing of the nineties.
"Tap Dogs" showcases the incredible dancing talents of six Australians who simple crackle with blue-collar energy. Led by Dein Perry, the creator of the show, the other five members are Ben Read, Nathan Sheens, Gerry Symonds, Drew Kaluski, and Darren Disney.
Recorded live at 'The Lyric Theatre' in London, here is a list of musical numbers for the show:
1) MAIN TITLE: BEST FOOT FORWARD - As the title and beginning credits appear, we watch as Dein Perry almost casual taps on the stage.
2) MIX 'N' MATCH - Only their feet are seen as five pairs of boots appear inside a frame. (caution: as one reviewer complained, there is a crude moment during this scene so parents be cautioned if watching with younger children.)
3) SOLO STEPS - One by one, the six members get their solo moment to show off their talents. Favorites solo steps would be Disney's ("Helloooo gorgeous!" is yelled out to him from the audience) and Read's (I can't see how he pulls off the 'toe' steps).
4) DANCING BETWEEN THE CRACKS- As a large piece of board is being lifted, slanted forward for the full view of the audience, the board is pulled apart so that the dancers dance beween and over the cracks.
5) TWO-MAN ROUTINE - Dein Perry and Ben Read tap while being seated, starting from the basics until the steps become more and more complicated.
6) FANCY FOOTWORK - Ben Read and Dein Perry each do a long solo number, one of my favorites parts of the whole show.
7) TAPPED INTO THE BEAT - Nathan Sheens slides in carrying a basketball and does a short number, tapping as he dribbles the ball faster and faster. In a few moments, he 'discovers' six floor tiles which are actually something like a synthesizer. Eventually, all six members 'plays music' while tapping on the tiles in complete synchronization. The music gets very funky towards the end. A definite highlight from the show.
8) DANCING ON THE CEILING - Dein Perry leads the others into a jazzy number and gets the audience to keep the beat by snapping their fingers. Has some humorous points with Perry keeping his men 'in line'. After a bit, we see Gerry Symonds tap dancing... while hanging upside from the ceiling!
9) WIRE TAPPING - I simply love the music played during this number; lots of synthesizer and cool bass. The performers dance while pulling and dancing around wires which are strung from the ground to a frame above.
10) AN UPLIFITNG PERFORMANCE - The previously mentioned wires are pulled up, lifting steel plates at angles which the performers dance on. Soon the plates are lifted straight up vertically, revealing them to be ladders on the reverse side; soon the tap dancers are actually tapping while climbing up and down the ladders!
11) MAN AT WORK - Spotlight is on Dein Perry as he does a number on a grate with a type of microphone strapped to his legs which 'echo' the 'taps'. Soon he wears protective goggles and the other members of the show use construction tools to shower Dein with sparks in exact rhythm!
12) REACHING NEW HEIGHTS - The guys start building a frame which in the end makes like a huge staircase. It's interesting how they can still dance while actually building this frame.
13) SPLASH DANCE - What might be the 'funnest' number; Dein Perry and three other guys wear boots and 'splash dance', getting the whole couple front rows in the audience wet! Very funny ending...
14) LETTING EVERYTHING SLIDE - Just the piano is heard as the six dancers do a slow but jazzy number while kicking some of the water from 'Splash Dance' onto the audience. One by one, they go off stage, each receiving a resounding applause.
15) LAST STEPS - Almost like an encore, this number would have to be one of my favorites of the whole show. Cool music and the six dancers dance up and over individual little staircases.
All-in-all, watching "Tap Dogs" is such an enjoyable experience. These are Aussies we're talking about so there's a lot of shouting and calling out among the members and it's so obvious they're having such a great time on stage. They are all so in tune with each other, it's amazing how they can tap dance even when there's often no music to keep beat! Good show, mates!
If you think tap dancing is 'old school' and 'old fashioned', I highly recommend you to watch this. It'll certainly change your outlook forever about tap dancing!"
Denise R. Merritt | Salome, AZ United States | 09/19/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"If you enjoy musicals, dance performances or just plain fun you should get this DVD! These 6 guys are terrific dancers and they have alot of fun doing what they do best! Lots of different flooring and staging keeps the action going. Very creative and enrgetic! I have the VHS because the DVD is not available yet, but I will buy the DVD because I know the tape will definitely be worn out. I have 2 boys who also enjoy alot of parts in the show. The "Tap Dogs" keep you laughing and wondering "how do they do that"? Very cool!"