Brief overview for non-Jews
midwestguy | Peoria, IL United States | 01/16/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Running just about one hour, this French-made documentary looks at the development and the significance of the Talmud. It tells the story of how the Talmud evolved, mentions those teachers who were most important in its development, relates the development of the Talmud to the history of the Jewish people in Europe and America, and finally attempts to place the importance of the Talmud in modern Judiasm. Since there is only so much that can be covered in an hour, this is obviously only an overview of the subject intended for interested non-Jews. The best part of the documentary is an amusing continuing mock (at least I think it is mock) Talmudic style discussion between two men, which provides periodic breaks in the more factual material, and which gives a good sense of how the Talmud is learned and studied."
A Fine General Introduction
Stephen Bloom | Los Angeles, CA USA | 03/26/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This documentary has some fine production values: a well-written narration, & excellent choice of accompanying video support. It is a nicely balanced blend of the historical, spiritual, & academic."
A comprehnsive overview of the Talmud
Luay Alsharif | Jeddah - Saudi Arabia | 09/20/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I bought this DVD and I can say that it met my expectations! I wanted to learn more about Talmud and the history of the Oral Torah, this book has the story.
The attached documentaries are the real gist of this DVD, Rabbi Jacobson explained many unsettled matters about the history of the Talmud (Yirshalimi and Babli) and replied against the accusations the others hold against the Talmud. If you are a Jew or a non-Jew who is interested in knowing better about the "methodology" of playing the Musical keynote, then this DVD is certainly for you."