Robin Simmons | Palm Springs area, CA United States | 07/15/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Hosted by Patrick McNee, TALES OF THE UNEXPLAINED is almost three and a half hours of documentary-like segments on UFOs, Creatures of the Night, the London Underworld and The Mysteries of Life.
If you're a sucker for this kind of slightly tongue in cheek material but told with a styraight face -- and I am -- you'll relish the opportunity to yet again rethink the alleged Roswell UFO crash, or take a peek at the ghost of Montgomery Clift in an old Hollywood home. Learn more about the strange disappearance of Jack the Ripper. Visit the English home of author Bram Stoker and then the actual sites of the real Dracula. Ooooh. And much more.
However, in light of todays headlines, the segment that truly lingers is a look at "Divine Magnetism" and the power of suggestion that cults and religious extremists have over their followers, getting them to perform deadly acts they might otherwise never consider."