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Takahiko Tsuchiya

DVDs Takahiko Tsuchiya helped create...

Currently Available DVDs (2)

2002 - Alice in Wonderland (Jetlag Productions)

Genres: Kids & Family, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Animation
2002 - Jungle Book (Jetlag Productions)

Genres: Action & Adventure, Kids & Family, Animation

Currently Unavailable DVDs (6)

2005 - The Enchantment Collection Beauty and the Beast The Little Mermaid Thumbelina (Golden Films)

Genres: Action & Adventure, Drama, Kids & Family, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Animation
2004 - Fairy Tale Princess Collection Jetlag Productions' Cinderella DVD and Cinderella doll

Genres: Kids & Family, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Animation
2004 - Fairy Tale Princess Collection Golden Films' Thumbelina DVD and Thumbelina doll

Genres: Action & Adventure, Kids & Family, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Animation
2004 - Magic Gift of the Snowman/The Toy Shop

2003 - A Little Princess Curly The Littlest Puppy Happy The Littlest Bunny (Blye Migicovsky Productions, Jetlag Productions)

2002 - Heidi (Jetlag Productions)