The futuristic metropolis of Taeter City is managed by The Authority - a dictatorship that rules with an iron fist. Utilizing a special radio wave system called Zeed, The Authority is able to distinguish criminals from law... more »-abiding citizens; however these special radio waves also alter the demented brain waves of the criminals and force them to commit suicide in horrible ways. A special police force called The Bikers then retrieves their corpses and delivers them to massive slaughterhouses that supply the mega fast food chains with the human flesh products that are needed to feed the hungry masses. The Authority's hand has managed to keep the citizens under control for quite some time, but a series of unforeseen chaotic events has slowly been undermining their rule. Follow along with the adventures of the three crazy Biker officers who are charged with restoring order before their entire world crumbles around them.
TAETER CITY comes from the creators of the cult hit ''Adam Chaplin'' and is a marvelous bizarre throwback/mash-up of Manga, 80's-style cannibal movie shocks, Terminator-type action thrills, and Blade Runner-inspired science fiction politics. Plus it includes plenty of blood. Starring Monica Munoz, Riccardo Valentini, Christian Riva, Wilmar Zimosa, Ortaez Santiago, Produced By Necrostorm, Written & Directed By Giulio De Santi.« less