*~*IMPORTED from S. Korea*~* "Turkish Delight" became the highest-grossing film in Holland, and was based on the semi-autobiographical novel "Turks Fruit" by Jan Wolkers. The novel is still very popular reading in Holland.... more » The ideas of love and loss, joyful life and pitiful death, are interwoven and contrasted skillfully and often in the movie, in the raw and not always politically-correct manner of the Director. The very notable feature of the DVD is the additional track of the movie with running commentary from the Director himself, in his crisp, excellent English. Any misunderstood part of the story is explained by him there. The film contains much nudity by both stars, and frontal genital nudity has been censored with the familiar semi-transparent fuzzy dot. The language is DUTCH, with English, Korean, or NO subtitles.« less