Champion & Champion vs. Champions
D.P. | California | 01/23/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Ultimate X Gauntlet Match: TNA has done enough gauntlets in this past year alone that I don't need to explain the rules but the exception here is that once the 10th man enters, the match turns into the Ultimate X match were you win by grabbing the "X" hanging in the middle of the ring. They used the "Elevation X" structure here to hang the "X" from instead of the normal ring ropes. The MVP of the match without a doubt was Kaz as this match was his own personal highlight reall with moments like the diamond cutter/RKO he gave to Christopher Daniels off the top rope while Daniels was just hanging from the structure along with later performing his "Flux Capacitor" move that hasn't been seen in over 3 years. The ending came with Daniels grabbed the X with help from Senshi & Elix Skipper reuniting the team of Triple X.
VKM vs. Basham & Damaja - This match was really just subpar at best with the only thing really worth mentioning (besides the crowd not caring) was that Roxxi Laveaux debuted as the "Voodoo Queen" for VKM & attacked Christy Hemme after the match.
Rhino vs. James Storm - Eventhough the storyline was actually one of TNA's best ones of the year, the match itself as just very average. There really wasn't anything memorable about it past the aftermath involving the beer keg but they're matches later on in the fued would top this one.
Jerry Lynn & Bob Backlund vs. Motor City Machine Guns - To be honest, my PPV feed went out during this match so I can't comment on this one eventhough I hear it was a very entertaining bout.
Eric Young & Gail Kim vs. Robert Roode & Ms. Brooks - The Young/Roode fued continues & for a mixed tag match, this was really good as the highlight for me was seeing Gail Kim in the ring not only mesh well with Ms. Brooks but also holding her on against Robert Roode a few times by getting a couple of moves on him. There were some funny moments to look out for such as some comedic spots involving Roode & Brooks along with Young "making an ass" of Robert Roode after the match.
Chris Harris vs. Christian Cage - This was a solid encounter as I thought these two as it was a good competitve match up between the two as the inring story of Chris Harris trying to prove that he could hang as a singles wrestler was showcased well in the ring. The ending came with the return of Dustin Rhodes costing Harris the match...and hopefully on the DVD, they'll fix the camera angle since they missed it on the live showing.
Sting & Abyss vs. A.J. Styles & Tomko - The opening had A.J. punching & kicking Abyss to have little to no impact at all and even trying a flying bodypress (and bouncing off) before diving to Tomko for a tag before the match really started to take off. From here, the rest of the match was tag match that was a solid encounter with both teams going back & forth with A.J. Styles (in my opinion) being the MVP of the match while Tomko continued to showcase his true potential & underrated wrestling ability.
TNA Champion Kurt Angle & X Division Champion Samoa Joe vs. TNA Tag Team Champions Team 3D - One fall & the person who gets pinned loses their championship (in Team 3D's case, they would both lose their titles if either one of them lose). This was a superb main event as alot of stories that were teased all night through backstage interviews & promos were told very well here. There were times where you saw Team 3D tease a split based off each man wanting another championship by break up each others' pins and Ray slapping Devon & even walking away from his corner at one point. There was interfearence at the end but it didn't take away from the match at all which was a very good main event and the ending was "poetic justice" on Angle based off what happened the previous week on Impact.
In the end, this was from top to bottom an enjoyable PPV. It's not a classic & it's not TNA's best effort but it's far from their worst as well. This is one PPV I would recommend to add to the collection if you got some spare money to spend."