One Man...Three Championship Matches.
D.P. | California | 01/22/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"TNA Tag Team Champions Kurt Angle & Sting vs. Team Pacman - Who would have ever thought that Sting would be in the a PPV opening match in this stage of his career? Anyways, this was just something to put over upcoming storylines such as Sting "slapping" Karen Angle & Angle defending his wife's honor by Angle Slamming Sting & costing their team the tag team titles to Ron Killings & Pacman Jones. Yes, a football player who's not allowed to wrestle became a tag team least Vince Russo & David Arquette were allowed to touch the wrestlers.
Rhino vs. James Storm - This was the conclusion of a very underrated fued for 2007. This was an unofficial "no DQ" match as it was put over that Cornette told the referee to give the match some leeway. The went around the Impact Zone with brawling in the crowd & bleachers with Storm being tossed into the wall at one point...and then the opening bell rang. The match itself was intense & ended with Rhino finally getting his revenge on Storm...and even got one in on Jackie Moore too.
Kaz vs. Robert Roode - I thought this was a battle of the two breakout stars as both men have shown potential before & after this match, you would have no doubt that they could be the next face/heel the company could put some stock into. It was a really good match as the story surrounding what Ms. Brooks is going to do was a good addition to the story here as well.
X Division Champion Kurt Angle vs. Jay Lethal - This match was TNA's version of the "Little Engine That Could" since Lethal was heavily put over as the major underdog who didn't have a chance in hell with even Lethal looking shocked at some of the moves he got in on Angle like the Lethal combination. However, both men put on the type of performance that makes a star overnight as you saw the audience get into the match more as time went on while Angle helped Lethal not only look like a million bucks...but losing CLEANLY after a roll up. The biggest upset in TNA history...DIG IT! (sorry, couldn't help myself)
Chris Harris vs. Black Reign - In a nutshell, this match was real short with Harris just beating up Reign non-stop at the beginning with Reign getting a few punches in before Harris hit the small package for the win eventhough Reign got the last word with "Misty" afterwards. It was way better than their match at Hard Justice...but that's not saying much.
Tag Team Gauntlet - The rules are that when both members of a team are eliminated from the battle royal, they're out. When two wrestlers are remaining, they're partners come back for a tradition tag team match. It was your typical battle royal until it got settled inbetween the Motor City Machine Guns & Christian's colliation of A.J. Styles & Tomko after somewhat close to 30 mins. The match itself was again short but very fun to watch in that time as it turned into a showcase of MCMG's combination moves before A.J. & Tomko got the victory.
Christian Cage vs. Samoa Joe - If you saw Destination X before this match & Bound For Glory after this match, you know that these two together will either steal the show or give one of the best matches of the night...this was no exception. They were more aggressive here than their DX match and had the crowd heavily into it. The ending may have seemed like a jip with Christian getting the DQ win but it didn't take away from the encounter itself as the point was to put over Joe's anger & wanting revenge...setting up the Bound For Glory rematch.
It was around here they made the annoucement that was being plugged all night in that Impact was becoming a 2 hour show.
TNA Champion Kurt Angle vs. Abyss - If your expecting the typical Abyss "hardcore mayhem" type of match here that he's in around 95% of the'll be suprized as you got the performance out of Abyss that you don't normally get. A good story being told throughout the match with Angle targeting & just beating on Abyss' leg to the point where he got his boot off during one point in the match. Third match was the charm as Kurt Angle was able to keep the World Title by making Abyss tap out.
In the end, this was one of TNA's best PPV's of the year as there were only two flops...but one was just there to start a storyline. Highly recommended here and major props & respect to Kurt Angle for his efforts here in his matches on this night."