2008 Begins For TNA
D.P. | California | 02/06/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"LAX vs. Lance Hoyt & Jimmy Rave - This was a nice opener as it did it's job in getting the crowd hot. The match itself for the most part was all LAX with Hoyt & Rave putting in their best TNA performance yet as a team and the crowd was all over everything they did. The aftermath revealed that the "guy" who kept attacking Christy Hemme was the former Ariel from ECW in Shelly Martinez...who looked sexy as hell.
Kaz vs. Black Reign - Decent match here as Kaz was carrying the match for the most part & it was nothing out of the ordinary for Dustin "Black Reign" Rhodes.
Womens Champion Gail Kim vs. Awesome Kong - They topped their match from the previous month as again, they used the "David vs. Goliath" formula but delivered a different match. Again, Kong dominated here & just kept overpowering Kim while Gail just kept fighting back. Chairs were used, they brawled on the floor & through the crowd, & even the referee wasn't safe as he got a powerbomb by Kong. Great match with a creative ending that was worth of the "TNA" chants from the crowd.
As a side note, Kong won the title at the following Impact in another great match from these two. I hope they decide to put this on the DVD as an extra because it's worth it.
Abyss vs. Judias Mesias - For the first time in a long time, this wasn't the typical hardcore Abyss PPV match that was just a "weaponsfest" that went all over the place but it was still a slowpaced brawl. They couldn't follow up the knockouts match & this was not much more than a setup for their Barbed Wire Masscre match for next month.
Booker T & Sharmell vs. Robert Roode & Ms. Brooks - Don't let the title fool you as this was a Booker T vs. Robert Roode match as the women didn't get tagged in until the the final moments. This match was all about putting over the Brooks/Roode storyline as throughout the match, Roode kept forcing Brooks to do things that she didn't want to do like trip & slap Booker. Sharmell got the win at the end but bigger story was the aftermath regarding Roode knocking out Sharmell.
Ultimate X Match: Jay Lethal & Motor City Machine Guns vs. Team 3D & Johnny Devine - This match is for posession of the X division title but yet, it's not a title match. Eventhough you knew from the start that Team 3D wasn't going to be able to climb across & grab the belt (which led to some funny comedic moments thoughout the match), they evened out the odds by injuring the hands of the Machine Guns so they had problems climbing the ropes as well. Eventhough this wasn't a "spotfest" as previous Ultimate X matches, some spots to look out for was Lethal's "frankensteiner" off the cables onto Devine, who was on Ray's shoulders, who landed right on his neck along with Devine tossed off the ladder & bounced off the tables (that didn't give) outside. This match was entertaining but if your expecting a match the calibur of other great Ultimate X matches then you won't find it here.
Tag Team Champions AJ Styles & Tomko vs. Samoa Joe & Kevin Nash - This was a nice back & forth match between the two as Nash didn't drag the match down as you know to expect a good performance from the other three involved. The big story here was Nash walking out on Joe during the match leaving Joe trying to fight off a 2 on 1 attack but lost.
TNA Champion Kurt Angle vs. Christian Cage - The crowd from the start was pro-Christian. My favorite match of the night as you had two of TNA's best all around performers here delievered a back & forth match that never got dull for a moment. The decision of A.J. Styles didn't play a part until the end but didn't overshadow or take away from a great encounter that went close to 20 mins. and was the best TNA PPV main event in months.
In the end, TNA rebounded from the "disappointing" Turning Point with a great main event with an undercard that progressed storylines, had some good wrestling, entertaining moments, and one match I would skip (Kaz/Reign). I recommend."
TNA Final Resolution 2008 Happy New Year TNA
William C. Coppedge | USA | 02/13/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"TNA Wrestling Final Resolution January 6, 2008 Impact Zone Orlando, FL
TNA kicks off 2008 with a much better effort than they ended 2007 with. There were a couple of questions heading into this pay per view that needed to be answered, #1 Can Samoa Joe count on Kevin Nash as a tag team partner? and #2 Who will AJ Styles pledge allegiance to, Kurt Angle or Christian Cage?
Rock N Rave Infection W/ Christy Hemme Vs. LAX
This was a good solid opening tag team match. The mystery "man" associated with LAX who has been coming out to attack Christy Hemme is finally revealed as none other than the gorgeous Shelley Martinez. Rating 4/5
Black Reign Vs. Kaz
This was a pretty good match to me, Kaz is usually always entertaining as he did carry most of the match and this is one of the better Black Reign matches I have seen in TNA. Rating 3.5/5
No Disqualification Match For The TNA Knockout Championship
Awesome Kong Vs. Gail Kim (C)
This was a better match than their encounter last month at Turning Point. They even took the fight into the crowd and they had a very awesome ending to the match. This was a pretty good title match. Rating 4/5
Abyss Vs. Judas Mesias
This was just an average match, nothing more than something to further this storyline. There was a lot of silliness going on with James Mitchell distracting the ref and after the match Mesias poured gasoline on Abyss, and Mitchell was going to light a match and burn him alive then security came out and took his matches. Rating 3/5
Robert Roode & Ms. Brooks Vs. Booker T & Sharmell
This was an ok match for an intergender mixed tag match, even though it was mostly Roode vs. Booker. The women didnt even get into the match until close to the end but after the match Roode knocked Sharmell out and insured that the rivalry between him and Booker will live on. Rating 3.5/5
Ultimate X Match
Team 3D & Johnny Devine Vs. Motor City Machine Guns & Jay Lethal
This by far isn't the best Ultimate X match I have seen but it still is pretty good and it was definitely entertaining. It was fun watching Team 3D trying to get up there to retrieve the belt. They even brought a ladder into the ring and tried using it, the ending of the match assures that this rivalry isn't over yet. Rating 4/5
TNA Tag Team Championship
AJ Styles & Tomko (C) Vs. Samoa Joe & Kevin Nash
The issue going into this match was will Tomko and Styles be on the same page and can Joe and Nash trust each other as well? Despite their "differences" Styles and Tomko worked very well together as a team. Joe goes to tag in Nash and Big Sexy takes his hand away at the last minute and walks out on Joe quite possibly setting up another storyline. Rating 4/5
TNA World Championship
Christian Cage Vs. Kurt Angle (C)
At the start of the match the crowd is loving Christian, while Kurt Angle gets to hear a familiar chant from the crowd in "you suck", which he probably hasn't heard a crowd chant since his WWE days. This was easily the match of the night, it was a great title bout worthy of the main event slot. The ending sets up a rematch and possibly a brand new fued later on down the road. Rating 5/5
I was highly disappointed after watch Turning Point but Final Resolution made me forget all about it, TNA totally redeemed themselves with this event and it was a great way to kick off a new year. I totally recommend this dvd for any TNA wrestling fan, it is definitely worth the money.