Not the best TNA ppv but the mainevent makes it worth watchi
J. J Woehr | Lindenhurst, NY United States | 04/10/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Matt Bentley, Chris Sabin, Sonjay Dutt vs. Austin Aries, Alex Shelley, Roderick Strong : Not a bad opener since all X-Division tag matches are usually good. Sabin's team wins
3 out of 4
The James Gang " New Age Outlaws" vs. The Diamonds In The Rough: The Tag matches are usually got but...not when it's a Diamonds in the Rough match. They just need to split up already, you always know they aren't gonna win anyway. PrimeTime is too good for a jobbing team that's just used to put other teams over. Plus after Konnan turned on BG James, you just wanna see them go at it. No one cared about this match.
The James Gang wins
2 out of 4
AJ Styles vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi (from New Japan Pro Wrestling) : This one seemed like it had more potential than what we got. Both can go and the match is good until Shannon Moore runs in and ruins it. He hits Hiroshi on accident when he's aiming for A.J. and then A.J. hits the Styles Clash for the Win.
2 1/2 out of 4
Raven vs. Sean Waltman: Why in the hell did TNA push Waltman as the guy to beat Raven in a you lose and you're fired match ? I mean Waltman wouldn't even admit he had a good thing going in TNA. He'd call Triple H the whole time asking for his job in the WWE back. He only showed when he wanted to and infact this is the last time I've even seen him in TNA. Anyway Sean hits the X-Factor on Raven but Raven has his foot on the rope but Larry Z. who hates Raven and is the ref acts like he doesn't see Raven's foot on the rope. Waltman didn't deserve the win at all because when did he ever give TNA his 100% like Raven ? Anyway it's still an ok match but because of Raven.
2 out of 4
Ron "The Truth" Killings vs. "Canadian Enforcer" Bobby Roode: Both men can go but they really aren't the best combination. I mean prior to this match Bobby Rhoode had a match with Killings where Killings kept pinning him and Rhoode demanded that the match was restarted until he got the win with the Lariat. So if you saw that match, you probably already had enough of seeing them in the ring together. Rhoode wins with the Lariat here too.
2 out of 4
Rhino vs. Abyss: Their Hardcore match a few ppvs later is a bit better but still this one isn't bad. Abyss is always a fun guy to watch and I'd love it if Jarrett actually stepped back and let another heel be champ in TNA. God knows Abyss can handle the job easily. Abyss wins this one with the blackhole slam I think.
3 out of 4
NWA World Tag Team Champions America's Most Wanted vs. Team 3D:
This isn't a bad tag match. TNA rarely ever has bad tag matches. They could teach the WWE about tag matches. TNA has a strong roster of tag teams. They may not be able to beat Big Show or Kane but...they're more talented. AMW is one of the best teams of today and Dudleys gave the WWE their all until Vince was ready to give them their souls back by firing them. By firing them he allowed TNA to get their hands on them and put together this tag team dream match. It sucks that Team 3-D "The Dudleys" get screwed over by Team Canada though. Otherwise this isn't a bad match.
3 out of 4
X-Division Champion Samoa Joe vs. "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels : This could've been a better match if it wasn't strictly just meant to show how dangerous Samoa Joe is. He beats the crap out of the talented Danials until A.J. Styles gets nosey and throws the towel in for Danials. Samoa Joe kicks ass but it's making A.J and Danials look weak with how bad he kicks both their asses and how neither can beat him.
2 1/2 out of 4
Sting & Christian Cage vs. Jeff Jarrett & Monty Brown:
Sting is back in the ring and the fans yell "you still got it" as he does the stingers splash and kicks some ass. This is a fun match and one of TNA's better mainevents at a ppv. Plus Christian and Jarrett work better together than Jarrett and Rhino do. They put on some good matches. Their singles match at the following ppv was way better than Cena and HHH's match at WM certainly. Anyway it's great seeing Sting back and he pins Jarrett with the Scorpion Death Drop for the win. Sting would be wasted in the WWE as just one of the legends added to HHH's list of people he beat. When he could kick HHH's ass, so he was smart for not going to the WWE and I hope he never ever goes there. The WWE would ruin Sting.
3 1/2 out of 4
TNA usually put on great ppvs but this one wasn't it's best yet I can't say it sucked either. It's great to see Sting back and for once the mainevent is the strongest match on the card."