Good for a look into TNA's past...
the one and only | I live south of Parts Unknown | 11/22/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"TNA's 50 greatest moments is great for a new fan like myself who only started watching in the beginning of 2004 and is especially essential for those who just started watching when TNA arrived on SPIKE TV just one year ago. This dvd has everything, from Raven's debut to the awesome triple threat match between Samoa Joe, Christopher Daniels, and Aj Styles from Unbreakable 2005. The only bad thing is that they don't have the matches shown in their entirety that they have listed in the countdown, but nonetheless this is still worthy of checking out...
The 50 Greatest Moments Are:
#50 - Roddy Piper talks trash to Chris Rose from the Best Damn Sports Show
- Chris Rock comes to TNA to film his movie "Head Of State"
- DDP's debut on TNA Impact
- Jeff Jarrett brawls with the Tennesse Titans
- Jim Cornette joins TNA
- Rhino gores Abyss through a wall [Really cool moment]
- The return of Senshi/Low-Ki in 2006
- The Road Warriors debut in TNA
- Samoa Joe vs. Jushin "Thunder" Liger [From Bound For Glory 2005]
- The Team 3D funeral held by AMW and Team Canada
#40 - Country Star Toby Keith appears on the debut of TNA & eliminates Jeff Jarrett from a battle royal.
- Team NWA wins the 2004 World X Cup
- The fire at Hard Justice 2006 where they had to evacuate everyone from the building
- James Mitchell scalps Raven
- Rhino debuts at No Surrender 2005
- Team 3D debuts on the SPIKE TV debut of Impact in October of 2005
- Samoa Joe wins the X Division title
- Abyss attacks Christian Cage at his home [even almost drowns him in his pool!]
- The first ever TNA steel cage match (AMW vs. Triple X)
- Ken Shamrock wins the NWA Title on the debut show of Impact
#30 - "Cookiegate" when TNA stars invaded the Universal Studios set that WWE was using to film the Royal Rumble 2005 commerical. WWE stars such as Luther Reigns and Rey Mysterio can be seen but their faces blurred
- Ron Killings wins the NWA Title
- "Controversy In Canada" when Jeff Jarrett beat Raven to win the NWA Title with help from AMW & Scott D'Amore. The entire crowd booed Jarret out of the building
- Jeff Hardy's swanton bomb from the top of the stage at Bound For Glory 2005 in the Monster's Ball Match #2 [INSANE MOMENT!!!!!!!]
- NFL's Brian Urlacher (Chicago Bears) appears in TNA
- Victory Road 2004 which was TNA's first 3 hour PPV.
- Scott Steiner's debut at Destination X 2006
- The Lockdown 2005 PPV being the first all steel cage PPV event. [Great ppv.]
- The Basebrawl with Bobby Heenan, A.J. Pierzynski of the Chicago White Sox, and the Diamonds In The Rough.
- Rhino wins the NWA Title at Bound For Glory 2005 [He also competed in and won two other matches that night]
#20 - Raven debuts in TNA [Really memorable moment]
- Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, and Macho Man Randy Savage debut at Victory Road 2004 during the ladder match between Jeff Jarret and Jeff Hardy
- The first six sides of steel cage match (AMW vs. The Naturals from 2004)
- Jeff Jarrett wins the first ever King Of The Mountain match
- Raven wins the NWA Title at Slammiversary 2005
- The debut of the Ultimate X match (Chris Sabin vs. Matt Bentley vs. Kazarian)
- Alex Shelley films Sting's private life
- AJ Styles becomes the first ever X division champion [really cool moment]
- The debut of Jeff Hardy in TNA
- The first TNA show with appearences from Harley Race, Dory Funk Jr., and Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat
#10 - Chris Candido helps The Naturals win the tag team titles (Candido tragically passed away a few days later)
- Christian Cage wins the NWA Title at Against All Odds 2006 [the entire crowd storms the ring and raises Cage on their shoulders]
- Barbed Wire Massacre Match: Sabu vs. Abyss at Turning Point 2005 [BRUTAL MATCH, voted best match by TNA fans in 2005]
- A.J. Styles wins the NWA Title from Jeff Jarrett at Hard Justice 2005
- AWM vs. Triple X's steel cage match at Turning Point 2004 (Elix Skipper's walk on the top of the cage and gave a hurricanrana to Chris Harris, INSANE MOVE)
- Christian Cage's debut in TNA at Genesis 2005
- Samoa Joe vs. Christopher Daniels vs. AJ Styles at Unbreakable 2005 [The best triple threat match ever in TNA....and I mean EVER!!!]
- Jeff Jarrett attacks Hulk Hogan in Japan
- Sting's return to wrestling at Final Resolution 2006
#1 - TNA Impact debuts on SpikeTV
There you have it. If you are a new fan of TNA or who just likes to see moments you witnessed first hand when they appeared, this is the DVD for you. Recommended...."
A good history lesson for newer fans...
Jonnathan Ritland | Marysville, WA | 12/25/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"-Like the title says, this is a good DVD for fans who are either just getting into TNA wrestling or started watching it when it debuted on FSN in 06/04 or those that bought the weekly PPV's from the beginning. I'm option 2 and I like the fact that this DVD shows some of the moments from the weekly PPV's.
The list of the moments are as follows and include comments from various wrestlers:
#50-Roddy Piper humiliates Chris Rose: From the FSN days, TNA cross promoted with "The Best Damn Sports Show Period" for a two-hour show, that was lukewarm at best and this moment was the most lukewarm of them all. Not that Piper didn't try, but it was not neccesary to put on the list.
-Chris Rock comes to the TNA Asylum: Rock filming a scene for "Head of State" and made an appearance on the PPV. Not a bad promo cut by Rock.
-The Debut of Diamond Dallas Page: DDP makes his TNA debut, his tenure only lasted about 6 months. Loved the comments from Raven.
-Jeff Jarrett brawls with the Tennessee Titans: A few players from the football team are in the front row and start attacking Jarrett, before some wrestlers come to back up Jarrett. Good segment.
-Jim Cornette joins TNA: Shows highlights of Cornette's debut at Slammiversary '06. Nice promo clips of Jim E. ripping WWE the way only he can.
#45-The Gore from Hell: Rhyno gores Abyss through a metal walls in the Impact Zone. Loved the comments from James Mitchell, creepy voice that man has.
-The Return of Senshi: Senshi returns at Lockdown '06 to face his former Triple X partner. Nice highlights of the match.
-The Road Warriors come to TNA: The debut of the Road Warriors in November of '02. Pretty loud pop when they came out, nice moves by both men.
-Joe vs. Liger: Highlights of the Bound For Glory '05 match between the two men. Good segment.
-The Team 3D Funeral: Funny segment with America's Most Wanted, Team Canada, James Mitchell, Abyss, Gail Kim and Jeff Jarrett, holding a mock funeral of Team 3D.
#40-Toby Keith Eliminates Jeff Jarrett: Starts with Keith performing his "Angry American" song, Jarrett interupts it. Then during the battle royal Keith comes in, suplexes Jarrett and eliminates him from the match.
-Team NWA wins the World X Cup: Good highlights of the finals of the World X Cup, an Ultimate X match basically.
-The Fire at Hard Justice '06-A fire breaks out during the PPV, TNA kept the fans going on the outside while the smoke clears, then manages to put on a good PPV.
-Raven's bloody scalping-James Mitchell scalps Raven, even digging the clippers into Raven's skull. Pretty brutal stuff and I loved Mitchell's comments about Raven himself.
-Rhyno debuts at No Surrender: Raven gets gored by Rhyno after winning a Dog Collar Match against Abyss.
#35-The Debut of Team 3D-On the first Impact on Spike T.V., Team 3D attacks Jarrett, AMW and Team Canada in their debut. Major league pop for the debut.
-Samoa Joe wins the X-Division Championship: Highlights from his match vs. AJ Styles at Turning Point '05. Pretty brutal and cool moves by Joe
and AJ.
-Abyss invades Christian Cage's home: Good home video segment of Abyss attacking Cage all over his house.
-The First TNA Cage Match: Highlights of AMW vs. Triple X's brutal match. Some bloody footage follows.
-Ken Shamrock wins the first TNA Era NWA Championship: Clips of Shamrock winning his first wrestling world title. Good moves by Shamrock.
#30-Cookiegate: Shane Douglas, Abyss and Tracy from TNA comes to visit WWE, while they were filming a commercial for Royal Rumble '05. Pretty silly stuff here, but the TNA peeps seemed to be having fun, they filmed some WWE wrestlers but had to blur out the faces.
-The Truth wins the NWA Championship: Clips of the Truth's victory over Shamrock, nice that he won a world title.
-Controversy in Canada: Happened at a house show in Canada. Jeff Jarrett conspired with AMW and Team Canada coach Scott D'Amore to screw Raven out of the NWA title. Thus Jarrett becomes the new NWA champion. Cool segment.
-Jeff Hardy's Insane Leap at Bound For Glory '05: During the Monster's Ball match, Hardy takes a leap off of the top of the stage onto Abyss. Crazy move, huge pop for it.
-Brian Urlacher comes to TNA: The Chicago Bears linebacker shows a few moves in the ring even press slamming "Survivor's" Johnny Fairplay out of the ring onto some security. Cool stuff.
#25-Victory Road '04-TNA's first three-hour Sunday PPV. Highlights of the show and good ones.
-Scott Steiner's debut at Destination X: Pretty shocking debut, followed by a not so shocking sloppy showing of moves by Steiner on Sting or Steve Borden or whatever.
-Lockdown '05-The first all steel cage PPV with great highlights. Loved Mitchell's comments.
-Basebrawl: Honoring members of the World Series Champions Chicago White Sox and Bobby "The Brain" Heenan. Pretty silly segment except for Heenan, though the comments by Simon Diamond to AJ (of the White Sox) were funny and cool.
-Rhyno wins the NWA world title at Bound for Glory '05: Rhyno wins the Monster's Ball, a 10-man gautlet, then beats Jarrett for the title.
#20-Raven debuts at steals the NWA Title: Raven debuts and attacks Jarrett after he retains the title and steals the belt. Loved the "McMahon Fears Raven" sign a fan had near the entrance way.
-Nash, Hall and Savage debut in TNA: Could've been put together with the Victory Road '04 highlights, that's all I've got to say. Nice debut by all three though.
-The first six sides of steel cage match: Pretty cool and brutal stuff here, between AMW and The Naturals. Bloody shots of all four men follow.
-Jeff Jarrett becomes the King of the Mountain: Cool highlights from the very first "KOTM" match.
-Raven fufills his destiny: Raven wins the NWA title at Slammiversary '05, cool stuff.
#15-The first Ultimate X Match: Nice early highlights from TNA, cool moves from Matt Bentley, Kazarian and Chris Sabin. Man Bentley was bleeding bad.
-Alex Shelley films Sting: Home video footage of Shelley around Sting's home, then Sting confronts Shelley later in the highlight package.
-AJ Styles becomes the first X-Division Champion: Highlights from the first X-Division Title match. Great moves by Jerry Lynn, Low Ki (Senshi) and AJ.
-The Debut of Jeff Hardy: Hardy in a shocking debut against AJ, good highlights follow. Good pop for the debut too.
-TNA's first ever PPV: Nice highlights, though these could've been including with the Shamrock and Keith highlights, or vice versa.
#10-Chris Candido leads the Naturals to the NWA tag team titles: Great segment, touching and moving. Loved the comments by various wrestlers and sharing their favorite Candido moments.
-Christian Cage becomes the NWA Champion: Great highlights of Cage's victory over Jarrett, Cage even powerbombs Gail Kim as she leaps from the top rope.
-Barbed Wire Massacre: Bloody highlights of Abyss and Sabu shredding each other with many uses of the barb wire ropes and weapons wrapped in barb wire.
-AJ Styles ends Jarretts World Title Reign: AJ beats Jarrett in a great match at Hard Justice, which ended Jarrett's nearly year long title reign.
-AMW vs. Triple X: Six Sides of Steel: Great highlights of the famous cage match from Turning Point '04. Sick moves by all four men, but especially Elix Skipper's stunning (and I mean stunning) hurricarana, from the top of the cage, he tight rope walked the top of the cage, what a great and shocking move.
#5-Christian Cage debuts: Cage's debut at Genesis '05, huge pop from the crowd. Also shows highlights from the whole night, including his alignment with Team 3D and Rhyno.
-The Unbreakable three-way: Highlights from the greatest three-way match I've seen in a long time, between AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Samoa Joe. Just watch and enjoy it and see the match if you haven't already.
-Jeff Jarrett attacks Hulk Hogan: Ho-hum segment where Hogan gets attacked by Jarrett in Japan. Actually not too bad, just didn't need to be this high on the list.
-Sting Returns to Wrestling: Sting's return at Final Resolution '06, huge pop from the crowd when he first came out. Highlights of the tag match follow.
#1-TNA debuts on Spike T.V.-Guess this one makes sense, actually thought their first PPV ever would've been number 1, but oh well.
-I do think they could have lumped a couple of moments together, (i.e. Nash/Hall/Savage debuts & Victory Road '04 and Toby Keith & TNA's first weekly PPV). But I thought the selection of moments was good, the placement was another story. Some should have been higher, other should have been lower, others shouldn't have been on (i.e. Roddy Piper/Chris Rose) and I feel that the fire at Hard Justice '06 should have been discussed just a little more.
-My favorite moment was the Chris Candido Tribute, this was giving a good amount of time and had heart felt comments from Shane Douglas, Simon Diamond and The Naturals. There are many more moments but that one is the best in my opinion.
-Overall this is a good purchase, worth at least $15-20."
Nice Look At The History Of TNA
D.P. | California | 11/22/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This is bascially TNA looking back on it's 4 year history and picking out what they think are the 50 greatest moments in the history of the company. Now this DVD is completely highlights, there are no complete matches on here unlike all their other DVD sets. Certain wrestlers talk about certain moments & incidents that made the Top 50.
The only negatives I have for this DVD set are...
1. There are times when moments repeat themselves & could have been reduced into one moment instead of seperated into two...(ala the debuts of The Outsiders & Randy Savage are one moment that could have been mentioned in the the Victory Road PPV moment to make room for more memories).
2. Some of the wrestlers stay in character while some break character & give their honest feelings about certain moments which kinda throws things off a little.
3. Some of the wrestlers comments contradict each other (Jarrett says Steiner was the first guy he brought in from outside of TNA but Jarrett did that when Rhino debuted)
4. The ranking of certain events are a little weird as some of the lower ranked events had more of an impact than some of the higher ranked ones.
Besides those little things, I think this is just a nice history lesson on Total NonStop Action for long time fans or the new fans just turning in.
Here's a list of the moments:
50. Roddy Piper humiliates Chris Rose from Best Damn Sports Show
49. Chris Rock comes to TNA to film "Head Of State" [How come this is ranked so was the biggest exposure they had at that time]
48. DDP's debut
47. Jarrett brawls with the Tennesse Titans
46. Jim Cornette joins TNA
45. Rhino gores Abyss through the wall
44. The return of Senshi a.k.a. Low-Ki
43. Road Warriors debut in TNA
42. Samoa Joe vs. Jushin "Thunder" Liger
41. The Team 3D funeral (this was also the birth of Eric Young's current character. The funeral is shown in full.)
40. Country Star Toby Keith appears on the debut of TNA & eliminates Jeff Jarrett.
39. Team NWA wins the 2004 World X Cup (highlights of the Ultimate X match between Chris Sabin vs. Hector Garza vs. Petey Williams are shown)
38. The fire at Hard Justice 2006
37. James Mitchell scalps Raven
36. Rhino debuts at No Surrender 2005
35. Team 3D debuts
34. Samoa Joe wins the X Division title
33. Abyss attacks Christian Cage at his home
32. The first TNA steel cage match (AMW vs. Triple X)
31. Ken Shamrock wins the NWA Title on the debut show
30. "Cookiegate" when TNA stars invaded the Universal Studios set that WWE was using to film the Royal Rumble 2005 commerical. The only WWE star you could recognize was Rey Mysterio via his tattoos on his arm.
29. Ron Killings win the NWA Title
28. "Controversy In Canada" when Jarrett beat Raven to win the NWA Title with help from AMW & Scott D'Amore
27. Jeff Hardy's swanton bomb from the top of the stage at Bound For Glory 2005
26. NFL's Brian Urlacher (Chicago Bears) appears in TNA
25. Victory Road 2004...TNA's first 3 hour PPV.
24. Scott Steiner's debut at Destination X 2006
23. The Lockdown 2005 PPV being the first all steel cage PPV event.
22. The Basebrawl incident with Bobby Heenan, A.J. Pierzynski of the Chicago White Sox, and the Diamonds In The Rough.
21. Rhino wins the NWA Title at Bound For Glory 2005
20. Raven debuts in TNA
19. Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, and Macho Man Randy Savage debut at Victory Road 2004
18. The first six sides of steel cage match (AMW vs. The Naturals)
17. Jeff Jarrett wins the first King Of The Mountain match
16. Raven wins the NWA Title at Slammiversary 2005
15. The debut of the Ultimate X match (Chris Sabin vs. Matt Bentley vs. Kazarian)
14. Alex Shelley films Sting's private life (the debut of Paparazzi Products)
13. AJ Styles becomes the first X division champion
12. The debut of Jeff Hardy
11. The first TNA show with appearences from Harley Race, Dory Funk Jr., Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat
10. Chris Candido helps The Naturals win the tag team titles (Candido's last TV appearence)
9. Christian Cage wins the NWA Title at Against All Odds 2006
8. Barbed Wire Massacre Match: Sabu vs. Abyss at Turning Point 2005
7. A.J. Styles wins the NWA Title from Jeff Jarrett at Hard Justice 2005 (Tito Ortiz was the referee)
6. AWM vs. Triple X's steel cage match at Turning Point 2004 (Elix Skipper's walk on the top of the cage)
5. Christian Cage's debut in TNA at Genesis 2005
4. Samoa Joe vs. Christopher Daniels vs. AJ Styles at Unbreakable 2005
3. Jeff Jarrett attacks Hulk Hogan in Japan
2. Sting's return to wrestling at Final Resolution 2006
1. TNA Impact debuts on SpikeTV
I would say this is real good for those who want to know about the history of TNA or are hardcore fans of TNA but the casual wrestling fan isn't missing much on here."
Too many moments, not enough greatness
Movie Madman | Nashville, TN | 12/29/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I got this dvd as a gift over the holidays. Having attended a few shows when they were in Nashville in their early days, I thought this would be a fun way to catch up with what I have missed the past few years. The greatest moments include the time when Chris Rock stopped by to film a scene for his movie or Toby Keith interfered with a match with Jarrett. Not really what I expected to find.
Being an old school ECW fan and more used to the WWE brand these days, it was really strange to watch the guys explain the moments as if the action were real. The moments are fleeting moments covered over 3 hours, so that's about 3 or 4 minutes per moment. The moments are jumbled, mixing recent moments with things that happened 5 years ago, and it's not always clear when things happened and what exactly the fueds are or were.
TNA had a good opportunity to get some of their big name talent and new talent some screen time with people who might not have seen the product before and they messed it up. I think 25 greatest moments might have allowed more time to present the fueds and show some match footage, maybe even have a few complete matches in the bonus section.
As someone not already a fan of TNA wrestling, the found the dvd to be an okay introduction to what I've been missing (It doesn't looked like I have been missing a lot). In fairness, it was not all bad. The top 10 moments were covered nicely and entertaining. The "cookie gate" moment and the Team 3-D funeral were fun to watch. If you're a TNA fan, you probably already have a copy of this by now. If your a new fan thinking of checking it out, might want to rent it or borrow it from a friend first. After the first veiwing, there is not a lot worth checking out again."