Main Event Mafia Championship Domination
D.P. | California | 08/23/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"TNA Knockouts Champion Tara vs. Angelina Love - Tara won the championship on Impact two weeks earlier after forcing Angelina into a title match so here's Love's rematch. It was mostly Tara dominating with her power with various moments like her pulling out Tajiri's Tarantula move (ironic isn't is) & Angelina doing a headbutt that caused Don West of all people to do a Bobo Brazil reference. It was a nice match that could have been better if it went longer with a finish involving the referee that would be explained later in the night.
Daniels vs. Matt Morgan - A solid average match but nothing noteworthy past good storytelling of Matt Morgan going after Daniels' knee which wasn't 100% going in.
No Disqualification Match: Abyss vs. Dr. Stevie - Before I get started, anyone who's a fan of the Star Wars movie "Empire Strikes Back," you'll get a chuckle out of Dr. Stevie & Daffney in the pre-match interview. However this was a match that was more about putting over a storyline than anything else as this was a heavily one-sided slow paced brawl dominated by Abyss that did the usual formula of fighting around the Impact Zone. This was about Abyss getting his revenge on Stevie more than anything else.
I.W.G.P. Tag Team Champions Team 3D vs. British Invasion - This was your usual performance that you get from Team 3D matches that was filled with the same usual entertaining spots (with Ray even putting his own "british" twist on his bionic elbow) while the British Invasion were able to hold their own in the ring here eventhough they botched a few spots.
Jenna Morasca vs. Sharmell - Jenna had bought the services of Awesome Kong while Sojo Bolt was appearently friends with Sharmell & in her corner. All I could say here was that maybe TNA saw the "Hog Pen" match at WWE Extreme Rules & thought "maybe we can top that" because this was horrible with the only thing noteworthy was Jenna's outfit & her "Melina-like entrance" while moving like a stripper ontop of Sharmell while getting the pin. Aside from that & Sojo Bolt doing a crash & burn on the floor towards the end, this was crap to the point where what Awesome Kong did afterwards was the best part of this "match".
TNA Legends Champion A.J. Styles vs. Kevin Nash - This was the "David vs. Goliath" formula you would expect from these two with Nash using his power while A.J. relied on his speed. I'll give A.J. huge credit here in that he used the old "Bret Hart" formula in that he heavily tried to ground Nash by working on his legs right from the start and even using various submission moves such as a leglock at one point but Nash pulled the "sterotypical Cena" performance as he was dominated throughout the match only to hit two moves & won the match. This was about as good as it could have been since A.J. had to try to work around Kevin Nash's limited performance but the finish heavily hurt the match eventhough the story being told was that A.J. didn't get beat...he got caught.
TNA Tag Team Champions Beer Money vs. Booker T & Scott Steiner - In a nutshell, this match was no different than the rest on this card as this match never got out of first gear & cut short before it ever had the chance to pick up. Beer Money tried & put in a good effort but when Booker & Steiner's offense everytime they were in control just really slowed the match down. The ending was botched between James Storm & Earl Hebner but nothing else to say here past this was about continuing the theme of the night which was Main Event Mafia tag team domination.
Sting vs. Samoa Joe - The ex-Main Event Mafia member facing the man who replaced him in the group and as mentioned throughout the match, they've had a history dating back to a year ago. They started off brawling right off the bat by going throughout the crowd, ramp, and ringside area (I guess TNA doesn't do countouts?) with Joe getting his head banged against the wall various times. The rest of the match was decent & the muscle buster towards the end look like it was botched resulting in a lackluster finish. This was nowhere near their Bound For Glory match as this was all about the debut of Samoa Joe's advisor, Taz...which really came off as uneventful based on how everyone reacted to it.
TNA Champion Kurt Angle vs. Mick Foley - It should be noted that this was the first one on one meeting between these two & Kurt was going into this match with a legit groin injury which saw him not go as "all out" & intense as Kurt usually does and you saw him heavily favor it as one point after missing a moonsault. I'll give credit here in that Mick gave the best inring "wrestling" performance he's had up to this point in TNA with using various moves like a bodysissors/mandible claw combination. This was a solid bout but again, nothing really memorable.
In the end, this PPV wasn't as bad as how Against All Odds or Destination X was but this really lacked any memorable moments weather it was matches or promos/segments. Add in the fact that there was no X Division match yet room for Jenna/Sharmell along with the crowd not being able to get into anything on this show didn't help matters either. All the matches never seemed to pick up the pace & whenever one was heading that direction, it ended in the blink of an eye making this a very forgettable show at the end of the night. It just seemed like everyone had an off night and the buildup leading into this PPV along with the Kurt Angle interview summerized this PPV perfectly, this was all about the domination by the Main Event Mafia. This is something you can easily skip but if you have a few bucks you won't miss...only then I would recommend this.