We finally have a new champ!
BIG T | Louisville,kentucky | 07/15/2010
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This was a great ppv and was definatly the best stop before Bound For Glory.
TNA Knockouts Tag team championship
The Beutiful people vs. Sarita and Taylor Wilde
This was a solid match but was very short. This was boring in some points but has a good ending with Taylor Wilde and Sarita becoming the first TNA Kockout tag team champs.
Eric Young vs. Hernandez
Why do i even bother. This match was only 48 seconds and dominated by Hernandez with a quick win and have the shortest match of the night.
Falls Count Anywhere
D'angelo Dinero vs. Suicide
This match was probably the best match of the night. This match started out brutal and took place mostly in the parking lot. This match had tons of action and some good moments like, suicide almost being run over by a golf cart, Suicide pulling Dinero's trunks down, and the OMG! moment when Suicide puts himself through a table off the entrance way. This match is very enjoyable and very brutal. If you like these types of highflying, brutal matches, then you will love this one.
Vancet TNA Knockouts championship
ODB vs. Cody Deaner
No comment.
Winner gets the $50,000 bounty from Dr.Stevie and claim the TNA Legends championship
Kevin Nash vs. Abyss
This was a good, solid, but short contest here. This match isn't as good as i thought it would be, but is till watchable. This had some boring spots and had no action at times. This match had a lot of slow paced moments and was just not very good. The ending will dissapoint you because Mick Foley turns on and costs abyss the match.
Lethal Lockdown
Beer Money inc. and Team 3D vs. Scott Stiener and Booker T and The British Invasion
This match was also canidate for match of the night. This match is very good and has very good weapon use. A lot of double teaming in this bout between booker and scott, and has a lot of good moments like, Bubba going chair crazy and almost hitting Devon, a double suplex by Beer Money on Doug Williams on the top of the cage, and a huge DUI from Beer Money for the win. This match is very good, watchable, and another brutal match on this card.
Rhino vs. Bobby Lashely
This was a pretty good match, but just wasn't the right match to be before the main event of the evening. This match had some good counters and ground and pound action from both men. A big win for Bobby with his first win in TNA in singles action.
5-way match for the TNA World Heavyweight championship
Kurt Angle vs. AJ Styles vs. Sting vs. Matt Morgan vs. Hernandez
This match started out as a four way but turned into a five way when hernandez cashed in his feast or fired breif case, but moments later was ruined by eric young and other wrestlers. This match was very good and had tons of action. The ending is very confusing though because after a scorpion death drop by sting, AJ comes in and sting leaves and goes after Matt morgan, and AJ gets the 450 splash on angle and wins his first TNA world heavyweight championship. The aftermath is great with styles having the celebration of a lifetime with daniels and maybe 30 or 40 fans. Good match here and worth watching, but a little short.
This was a good ppv but didn't have any five star matches. I do recomend getting this and adding it to your TNA collection!
No Surrender 2009 BHB (Before Hogan and Bischoff)
A. Pierre | Somewheres | 06/06/2010
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Taylor Wilde & Sarita VS Beautiful People: I skipped over this match.
The Poor Man's Chris Jericho, Eric Young VS Hernandez: I remember this feud but this was nothing more then a quick squash match that never got off.
X Division Champion Samoa Joe VS Daniels: Helluva match with a great finish. I never seen these two wrestlers have a bad match against each other.
Falls Count Anywhere Match, Suicide VS The Pope: It starts off in the backlot, goes to the ring, and ends up on the ramp. Just like every other match(besides Joe VS Daniels)it had it's moments but the ending sucked.
TNA Knockouts Champion Cody Deaner VS ODB: I'll admit I should have skipped over it but I watched it and it was very enjoyable. Lots of back and fourth encounters in the end made it a good match.
Abyss VS Kevin Nash: Nash wanted the bounty that Dr. Stevie put out on Abyss. This was a typical Nash match and Abyss wasn't very good during this period in his career. The ending was very stupid as Nash wins with a taser to the nuts.
Letheal Lockdown, Team 3D and Beer Money Inc VS British Invasion, Booker T, and Scott Steiner: A enjoyable match just like any other match on the card-good moments but the match felt off. I did enjoy Beer Money's double suplex on top of the cage.
Rhino VS Lashley: I think these two wrestlers are the most overrated wrestlers in the past ten years. Its hard to imagine Lashley to lose after TNA hyped him up the whole PPV. Decent encounter and the ending looked stupid.
TNA World Champion Kurt Angle VS Matt Morgan VS Sting VS AJ Styles VS Hernandez: Herenandez cashes in his Feast or Fired case and is put into this match. While batting on the ramp, Eric Young hits Herenandez in the leg with a weak shot and hits a botched piledriver. The match had alot going on with AJ winning the title in the end. Confetti falls, wrestlers empty the locker room, and a celebration in the ring ensues to end this show.
Overall, most matches had cool moments but they weren't good overall besides Joe VS Daniels. TNA was on it's A game during this period. They followed storylines and built feuds and they were on a roll until they signed Hogan and Bischoff."
The Phenomenal One Becomes The Champion
D.P. | California | 10/10/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Before I get started, it should be noted that Taz replaced Don West on commentary after the Hard Justice PPV so this is his TNA PPV debut on commentary & because of issues regarding her work visa, Angelina Love was released from TNA.
TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championship Tournament Finals: Taylor Wilde & Sarita vs. The Beautiful People (Velvet Sky & Madison Rayne) - This was a decent opening match that had a couple of miscues at times & went too short for a match that's suppost to introduce a new championship. I will say thought that what happened with Slick Johnson before the match was a nice twist & Wilde & Sartita worked well together to the point where the commentators were trying to push them as the female Rock N' Roll Express.
Hernandez vs. Eric Young - This was almost an exact copy of Hernandez's match at Hard Justice last month where it did it's job in making Hernandez coming off strong while getting over Eric Young's character. Nothing more than a quick squash to put over a storyline.
X Division Champion Samoa Joe vs. Daniels - Just like how the storyline for this match was setup, this match was a throwback to 2005 when the X Divison was what gave TNA it's identity because of the performances given by those like Joe & Daniels. This was real good & without a doubt the best performance both men have had in recent memory with great inring storytelling & even saw some new innovative offense that Taz & Tenay didn't know how to call at one point. This didn't top the level of their more famous classics with A.J. Styles from years ago but was definately the match of the night but it was definately the match of the night.
Falls Count Anywhere Match: Suicide vs. D'Angelo Dinero - Before I get started, knowing that Stacker 2 was the sponsor of this PPV...you'll get a laugh out of the pre-match promo. Anyways, if you were a fan of the Hardcore Title matches WWE & WCW used to do during the "Monday Night War" era than this is exactly for you because they spent more time out of the ring than they did in it (seriously, I think they were in the ring for around 1 min. at the most) as this went outside, backstage, ringside era, and the entrance stage using whatever they could get their hands on. There were various standout moments like Suicide "making an ass" of The Pope at one point along with the ending which I had to say was one of the most dangerous stunts I remember seeing. Again, if you are a fan of these type of matches then you'll really enjoy this.
TNA Knockouts Championship Match: O.D.B. vs. Cody Deaner - After "The Deaner" scored the win for his team at the last PPV, this was a match to determine who was the true champion. As expected, this was all about comedy from Taz & Tenay doing their own "stand-up" routine on commentary to the wrestling in the ring with Deaner doing various things like a low-blow on a female and even getting on the referee's case to the post-match promo with O.D.B. about winning the Knocked Up Title (that's not a typo) that even had Taz laughing. Just like the Hernandez match earlier & the tag match at the last PPV, this is one of those matches where you have to accept it for what it is to enjoy it.
TNA Legends Champion Kevin Nash vs. Abyss - This was about Kevin Nash attempting to collect the bounty that Dr. Stevie put out on Abyss with Mick Foley doing commentary during this match (and had some fun with Taz about their commentating in WWE) as well. This match was just average as it was more about pushing Abyss' storylines with Foley & Dr. Stevie more than anything else...and the "over the top" finish didn't help either. As a side note, anyone who remembers the past gimmicks of "Big Daddy Cool" with Kevin Nash & Stevie's own paraody of Kevin Nash in "Big Stevie Cool" will maybe get a chucke of out what happens afterwards.
Lethal Lockdown Match: Team 3D & Beer Money vs. Booker T, Scott Steiner, British Invasion - For those who haven't seen a Lethal Lockdown match, it's held under the same rules which the old WCW/NWA match of War Games where under. One man from each team starts the match and after a period of time, another member from one team (which has always been the heel team for those trivia buffs) enters and after each time period, the teams alternate sending members in. Once all team members enter the cage, the roof containing all the weapons is lowered onto the cage and the only way to win is by pinfall or submission. Just like the previous Lethal Lockdown matches in TNA, this was a very entertaining multiman brawl with various highlights like a member of the British Invasion getting a double suplex on top of the cage along with Brother Ray going chair crazy to the point where he gave Rob Terry a chairshot that was probably one of the stiffest chairshots you'll ever see in your life.
Bobby Lashley vs. Rhino - This was the TNA inring PPV debut of Lashley who TNA has been hyping as a double sport athlete by doing MMA & TNA at the same time. However, this didn't live up to the hype surrounding Lashley as this match was just "fine" and the crowd sounding like they really weren't into the match and a finish that I thought looked real weak didn't help either.
TNA Champion Kurt Angle vs. A.J. Styles vs. Sting vs. Matt Morgan vs. Hernandez - You read that last name right as Hernandez cashed in his "Feast Or Fired" case but don't that fool you as Hernandez only made a quick cameo here by showing a huge display of strength with a delayed vertical suplex that was a page out of "British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith's playbook before being taken out by Eric Young & having this go back to the original four way as advertised. This was similar to the main event at Hard Justice with Angle & Morgan making an alliance (after Angle "took the bullet" for Morgan at one point) with the difference this time being Sting had an ally in Styles. Look out for the ending where Morgan tried to take a page out of Angle's own playbook only to backfire with A.J. Styles becoming the TNA Champion thanks to Sting. This match did it's job in being a good quality main event and pushing the storylines between Angle/Morgan & Sting/Styles leading into Bound For Glory at the same time.
In the end, this was an above average PPV that had some good matches (4 way main event, Lethal Lockdown, Knockouts tag, Suicide/Dinero), some average matches (Nash/Abyss & Lashley/Rhino), one standout performance (Joe/Daniels), and some repeats of Hard Justice (Hernandez squash/Knockouts Title match) where your either going to like or hate depending on if you accept the match for what it is & the story they were telling but overall, this is a TNA event worth checking out as well."