TNA Celebrates Another Year With A Great Show
D.P. | California | 06/14/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"X Division Champion Petey Williams vs. Kaz - For the first time in two months, the X division gets a regular match instead of some type of caged cluster. They didn't do anything heavily fast paced or "spotty" like the typical X division match but concidering how each person is not at 100% going into this (Kaz's arm & Petey's eye), this was a good solid encounter between the two that wasn't the sterotypical "X division spotfest" but the moment to look out for was Kaz being busted open & the aftermath when The Monster Abyss returned & got his hands on everyone in the ring...including Rhaka Khan.
Gail Kim, O.D.B., Roxxi vs. Angelina Love, Velvet Sky, Moose - Just like how the X division match was the first time in two months where they didn't just just cram everyone in the division into one match, the same goes for the knockouts here & you get the same result. A solid match that was fun to watch with some nice storytelling & selling by The Beautiful People & Moose (again, please find better names for these girls) by working on Kim's injured knee throughout the match.
TNA Tag Team Champions L.A.X. vs. Team 3D - Instead of this match being a brawling style that you have seen time & time again from their matches in the past, this was more of a traditional tag team match that went back & forth between both teams with old school storytelling like Team 3D double teaming & cutting off the ring building towards Homicide to get the hot tag. Another solid encounter.
Womens Champion Awesome Kong's Open Challenge - This is a gimmick similar to how Kurt Angle used to do his gold medal challenge back in WWE where a "random fan" is picked, gets a match against Kong, and if the fan wins...she gets $25,000. Two girls were picked from the audience & Kong basically squashed them both & afterwards, did the same to Eric Young's special guest...Elvis. Unless your a heavy fan of Kong being a female version of "WCW's Vader" & killing people in the ring, skip this.
The Jay Lethal/So Cal Val Wedding - Holy SummerSlam '91 Batman! Seriously, this entire storyline has been done very similar to the Randy/Liz storyline from the proposal, "Oh Yeah!" acceptance by Val, and even Lethal dressing in the same type of outfit Savage did at the SummerSlam wedding. However, anyone who watched TNA over the past couple of months (including those who edit the video packages together) knew what was coming when the best man Sonjay Dutt stopped the wedding & turned heel on Lethal before getting his own beating by the groomsmen. The heel turn was great but for him to get laid out by the legends right afterwards killed it & turned this turned into a wrestlecrap segment. At least you got to see old school legends & names from the past like Kamala, Jake "The Snake" Roberts (complete with snake), Koko B. Ware, and George "The Animal" Steele who of course munched on his favorite snack...the turnbuckle.
A.J. Styles vs. Kurt Angle - This is without a doubt one of the best matches of this year as these two put on one hell of a wrestling match & their best PPV inring performance in months. They worked a great mat based match which is where Kurt is at his best & what Styles is very underrated at as well. Match of the night here & with everything that happened towards the end with Karen & Tomko afterwards, you will see a rematch & the feud will continue which nobody will mind one bit after seeing this match. Match of the night, no questions asked.
King Of The Mountain Match: TNA Champion Samoa Joe vs. Christian Cage vs. Rhino vs. Robert Roode vs. Booker T w/Kevin Nash as the special enforcer - Before I get started, I have to note how good each video package & interview was with each competitor throughout the entire night that are worth checking out as it heavily put over the main event & put over each person as not only wanting to win the match & become champion but also having something to prove as well.
Now for those who never seen a the King Of The Mountain match before, it's a ladder match in reverse with alot of stipulations. To win the match, you have to use the ladder hang the belt instead of using the ladder to pull it down like a normal ladder match. However before you can hang the belt, you have to qualify to do it by scoring a pinfall/submission over one of the other competitors...and the person who loses that fall goes into a penality box for 2 mins. Yeah, sounds real gimmicky but when you watch it come's a real easy match to follow. Overall, this was more like a 5 way dance as oppossed to the previous KOTM matches that came off like a ladder match as there wasn't as many spots as the previous ones & there wasn't much of a story told here as everyone, with the exception of Booker T, qualified towards the end of the match before the finish happened with Samoa Joe becoming the first champion to retain his championship in the KOTM match. This match was a solid performance but didn't feel like a main event & should have switched places with the Angle/Styles match.
In the end, this was TNA's best PPV in a very long time as they fixed some of the problems that were making their PPV's suffer in by using the mentality of QUAILTY OVER QUANITY which they forgot when booking Lockdown & Sacrifice. Eventhough there was only 5 matches on here (6 if you want to count that Awesome Kong segment), they didn't overload the card by using the entire roster in bad pointless gimmick matches that just waste time & take time away from the other more important matches on the card which makes entire the PPV suffer as a whole. In the end, this PPV is a straight 4 star event (no being nice & rounding the rating up) as there wasn't a bad match on here & each one was given enough time. The Awesome Kong challenge & Wedding segments were the only real bad notes of this PPV so this is one event I do recommend for a viewing.
Average to Above Average at best Pay-Per-View. 3 to 3.5/5.
Preston Ward Condra | San Antonio, TX, USA | 06/09/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This was another average pay-per-view by TNA. This is one of the better TNA Pay-Per-Views and much better then Lockdown and Sacfrice yes, but, a big problem with the Pay-Per-View I had was that there was only 6 matches were on the card. 1 of which was just for a bathroom break, 1 of them were average at best and the other 4 matches were pretty good. There was also a promo that was one of the worst wrestling promos I have seen in awhile. Before I begin reviewing this again this is either a love it or hate it wrestling pay-per-view. If you like to have more wrestling with have 8 or 9 matches on a pay-per-view rather then 6 matches you might be dissapointed. However, if you like a pay-per-view that doesn't have clustered matches and like to have matches with each match having 10 to 15 mintues, you might like this Pay-Per-View.
X-Division Championship Match
Petey Williams vs. Kaz:
This was a very good match. The match moved smoothly and both Kaz and Petey put on a a great chain-mat wrestling based style match. This was probably the best match on the Pay-Per-View next to the King of the Mountain match. Good match for the oponer for the crowd to enjoy and this match shows that the X-Division is trying it's best to improve back then in say 2003 and 2004.
Match Rating: 8/10
6 Person Knockout Tag Team Match
Gail Kim, Roxxi and ODB vs. Angelina Love, Velvet Sky and Moose:
NOTE: Velvet and Love's tag team parnter is Mickie Knuckles, a top women's wrestler in Shimmer. Apparently, TNA changed Mickie Knuckles name to a very crappy name, Moose. Wow TNA coudn't you just called her Mickie Knuckles rather then...Moose?
Anyways for the match itself, the match was a decent women's match but, the match dragged on way too much time. (Even though, there wasn't many matches on this pay-per-view.) If TNA could of given the women a little less time to work on the match, the match would of been better. As always, Roxxi, Angelina and Gail put on a decent women's match.
Match Rating: Somewhere around 6.5 and 7.5 stars out of 10.
TNA Tag Team Title Match
LAX vs. Team 3D:
An average match at best. Much like the Knockouts 6-Person Tag Match, the match dragged on a little too much time and we have seen LAX vs. Team 3D so many times already for the Tag Team titles in the past. LAX and Team 3D also have put on better matches then this. Not a bad match but, an average match at best.
Match Rating: 6/10
TNA Knockout Champion Awesome Kong's 25,000 Challenge:
A toliet break match. The only reason you should have this on a Pay-Per-View is that if someone can beat Awesome Kong. This could of been saved on a TNA Impact taping show, not TNA's most improtant Pay-Per-View of the year next to Bound for Glory. This segment did not belong on here at all.
Match Rating: 3/10
Match Wrestling Promo:
Jay Lethal's and So Cal Val's Wedding:
This is one of the worst wrestling promos I have ever seen in TNA in awhile. Much like Awesome Kong's 25,000 Match this was complete waste of time for a Pay-Per-View that should been saved for an edition of Impact instead. The only main thing worth mentioning here was Sonjay Dutt turning heel here. On top of that this promo wasted a good 15 mintues that could have been saved for another match for this Pay-Per-View. Snack Break.
Promo Rating: 1/10 (That's only for Sonjay turning heel)
A.J. Styles vs. Kurt Angle:
Very good match. Much like Petey vs. Kaz, this was a good mat-wrestling based match, a few good spots happened here in this match and the match had great booking and good storyline hype involving Karen Angle here in this match.
Match Rating: 7.5/10
Main Event:
King of the Mountain Match for the World Heavyweight Belt:
Samoa Joe vs. Rhino vs. Booker T vs. Christian Cage vs. Robert Roode:
This wasn't a bad match and actcally a very good match for the main event but, this was probably the worst King of the Mountain Match as the previous King of the Mountain matches were Match of The Year Candidates for TNA. The main problems I had with the match was the lack of the use of weapons such as the ladder in the match and disapointing ending. Overalll again, a good match.
Match Rating: Around 7.5 to 8 out of 10.
Somewhere around 5.5 to 6/10
An average Pay-Per-View at best. This pay-per-view was better then Lockdown and Sacrfice but, that really isn't saying much. Unless you a hardcore TNA wrestling fan, this pay-per-view is worth buying and renting at best. A MEH pay-per-view.