lex Fryling | PA | 07/04/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"1. Jay Lethal vs. Curry Man vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. Shark Boy vs. Johnny Devine vs. Consequences Creed in an xscape match for the x division title- This was a good match to kick off the show almost every year since lockdown has started they have kicked off the show with an x division match which I think Is a very good idea. There was just so much energy in this match. There are always a lot of high risk moves in these matches and this one was no different. I really liked the order of eliminations as we did not get to see lethal and dutt again and we got to see some new match ups. Great match to kick off the show. Winner and still X Division Champ Jay Lethal. Match Rating 8.5/10.
2. Angelina Love vs. Velvet Sky vs. Salinas vs. Rhaka Khan vs. Traci Brooks vs. Christy Hemme vs. Jacqueline vs. Roxxi Laveaux in a queen of the cage match - This was not as bad as I thought it would be. Going into this match it look like it would be to clustered but the two wrestlers got in the ring quick and they got down to it. Not a bad match nothing to write home about but it's worth a look. Winner Roxxi Laveaux. Match Rating 5.5/10.
3. BG James vs. Kip James- Well this going into the match looked bad and no surprise here this was an awful match. No blood or anything after all the heat between these two. Not worth a look at all ending sucked and the after math was very predictable. Winner BG James. Match Rating 2/10.
4. LAX vs. The Motor City Machine Guns vs. The Rock N Rave Infection vs. Scott Stiner and Petey Williams vs. Kaz and Eric Young vs. Black Reign and Relik in a cuffed in the cage match- Well this also had the opportunity to be a big cluster mess but it turned out ok. I am not going to say I really support the booking here and all the teams involved but they made the best of what they could. The rules were kind of dumb but it was something new to try. I don't think this will be a match they will keep trying to use. I thought it was a terrible call having super eric come in and take out 4 guys its unrealistic and not good booking. Winners Super Eric and Kaz. Match Rating 7/10.
5. Awsome Kong and Raisha Saeed vs. Gail Kim and ODB- When you watch this match you will think going into this it's a handicap match but awesome kongs partner came in and fooled everyone as she really knows how to wrestle. I read something on the Internet were it said that Raisha Saeed knows how to wrestle really well and has been training. It showed in this match and it made it a very enjoyable match. Winners Gail Kim and ODB. Match Rating 7/10.
6. Booker T and Sharmell vs. Robert Roode and Payton Banks- I really like booker t but going into this match I was not that excited because this feud has been going on for 4 months now and still noting is resolved. I think that even booker t cant hold a feud and make it interesting for 4 months. Anyway a ok match not much to say. Winners Booker T and Sharmell. Match Rating 6.5/10.
7. Team Cage Christian Cage, Rhino, Sting, Kevin Nash, and Matt Morgan vs. Team Tomko Tomko, AJ Styles, Team 3D and Cowboy James Storm in a Lethal Lockdown Match- This was a very good lethal lockdown match and took us back thee years to the spot with aj styles on the ladder with the table. Just lots of solid action but this was brutal to watch. Not much to say second best match of the night and you will like it a lot. Winners Team Cage. Match Rating 9.5/10.
8. Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe For the TNA World Heavywieght Championship- I liked the strategy they used here with going with the mma type booking for the first 5 minutes lots of people disagree. But lets think we have already seen these guys wrestle 4 times its nice to see them try something new here After that it was back to kick butt style. Angle and Joe never disappoint and this was no difference. Just everything you want from submission to false finishes its. All here I agree with the booking giving Joe the title even though I am an angle fan he deserves it. Winner and new TNA World HeavyWeight Champ Samoa Joe. Match Rating 10/10.
Well that raps up another I would give TNA Lockdown 2008 a grade of 56/80 which means this was good ppv just almost an awesome pvv missed it by 1 %. Anyway pick this up as soon as you can anywhere there really is more good than bad so come on and pick it up. If you could tell me if my review was helpful or not I would appreciate that. Thanks for your time.
Lockdown 2008
S. Pruitt | GA, United States | 09/01/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"TNA fans were dreaming of this day since Samoa Joe walked into TNA in 2005. Lockdown '08 is probably the second best Pay-Per-View TNA has put on next to Bound For Glory 2007. The crowd was obviously into the matches and this made it very enjoyable to watch on DVD. The main event was probably the best match of the year for TNA so far. Angle and Joe always set the house on fire. I recommend this for all fans of TNA."