A clean cut very well dressed Taylor Made (M. Allen) and his brother E. Master C. (D. Allen) wakes up in their trailer home hungry and broke. Before leaving the trailer park to go job hunting, Daphine (Tipton) informs her ... more » admiring neighbor E. Master C. about the big trailer park party "hoe down" taking place later that evening. The starving Allen Brothers meet Gold Grill (MTF), a Race Car Champion Millionaire in desperate need of a pay stub because of a parole violation, at a temporary work service Work Is Us. These brothers from the hood and red neck must learn to work together when they are giving a job to deliver Telephone Books. These bumbling idiots encounter obstacle after obsacle like delivering Telephone Books to a mean old tax lady (Labry). Framed by Grill's jealous racing competitor Lightning (Cunningham), these idiots find themselves running from police (Morgan and Dupuy) all over Jigga City in a Chrsler 300 M delivering Telephone Books to get paid before Work Is Us closes.« less