Syriana 100% accurate in it's portrayal of oil, CIA, and ter
P. Wedlake | modesto, ca | 02/11/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Former CIA officer Robert Baer's book "See No Evil" inspired the film Syriana, about the Middle East, the oil industry and espionage. For people to comment that it is just conspiracy theory is totally ignorant and ridiculous. While the story is fictional, it accurately portrays all sides and why they each belief their actions are just. It does a great job of allowing the viewer to understand every player in the game and empathize with them to an extent. In no way am I condoning terrorism, but we need to understand why young men are willing to blow themselves up. It isn't simply about religion, it is far more complex than that, much of it having to do with blowback from U.S. intervention in their countries to control oil. Many people in this part of the world are suffering and turn to Islamic extremism, even terrorism, in an act of desperation.
One person commented that Canada is our largest supplier of oil, but they failed to mention that Saudi Arabia is a close second. Without their oil our economy would collapse because Canada can't possibly provide enough oil to meet our demands. Also not mentioned is that the world has reached peak oil production and oil reserves in the American continents, as well as Europe, and Africa are going to dry up by 2025. After that the only place left on earth that will have oil reserves is Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, and a few other Middle Eastern countries.
Saudi Arabia has the largest oil reserves of any country in the world. They have 25% of the world's reserves which dwarfs that of any other country. Thus they will be the last to have it, which makes them very important and powerful. Quite possibly to our detriment unless we wean ourselves off of it."