Better than expected action movie
John Schmidt | 08/28/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This version of King Arthur et al concentrates more on Lancelot and Gueneviere rather than developing the other central characters of the Camelot gang. What makes this movie good is that it has some very good battle scenes, first against a Viking horde and then the final battle sequence against Mordred and his buddies. The love story aspect is really not too bad. There is one major problem with the's an awful transfer. The colors are faded and it appears that only an old film copy could be found to use in the transfer. It's the worst dvd transfer I've seen so far...even worse than El Cid. The problem appears that there are companies using China and other 'outsourced' countries to make these copies...and they suck."
Adult king arthur
John Legry | Portland, OR USA | 02/08/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Playing opposite his real wife, actor-producer-director Cornell Wilde wanted to make an adult version of Mallory's Le Morte de Arthur, the most well-known King Arthur myth. He also pioneered some truly graphic special effects in wonderful battle scenes, using live actors. No CGI here, just great story-telling, wit, and a reverence for the old theme and a modern art form. Under-rated."